[info]teh_kittykat in [info]07refugees

More News You Can Use

Barak continues to eat his leg to the thigh in regards to Strikethrough PR moves over in lj_biz. Just in case any of you cool kids missed it.

Highlights (with some editorial commentary) include:
  • The permanent account sale is going on as scheduled. Otherwise known as mistake #1.
  • People who rush in and buy perm accounts within the first 36 hours will see $25 of their $150 go to some free speech/survivor organizations. The power of math gives us a guesstimate that this will result in a whole 3.57% of profits will go to these charities. Wow. What a great sacrifice.
  • They're still clarifying their policies. Only, you know, without actually soliciting any user opinions despite promises to do so.
  • Did we mention they're now explicitly going to ban stuff they just aren't willing to host?
  • Automated abuse reporting is supposedly coming down the line. I see where this is going. : /
  • "Clarifying the differences in policies between public and private content, and making commitments about how you can expect us to protect your private content and resist intrusions into your privacy." Um, as several people mentioned, what's going on there and why wasn't anyone informed?
  • Reputation engine? Does that mean if I kill enough ogres I can be exaulted with LJ and get an epic mount? Screw that, man.
Thoughts? Comments? Gloating? Rabid weasels? It looks like the majority of posters are sane people who have been repeating the refrain of policy first, payment maybe. But who wants to bet that only a fraction of people actually friended lj_biz and learned about it all in the first place?

Icon directed at Barak and his handlers. Unless you would like Ms. von Karma to think you suck. Then, by all means, continue to think so. :D


I left a couple of comments on page six - said I already donated to charity what I'd spend on LiveJournal in a year, way back when Fandom Gives was doing it, and then bought a permanent account here, and I'm still coming out at under half the cost of an LJ perm account.

And you're right that most of the people who friended the community will be the ones interested in this. The rest are happy to assume that everything's fine.
The Frog is displeased.
Frog forsees Big Feast.

Hail frog

Hail Frog from one of your faithful followers.
This cracks me up. It's so depressingly true.
Bad LJ! No cookie! And no more frakkin money from me.

Thanks for posting the executive summary and drawing attention to the distinct lack of defined policy. IJ is looking more and more like a friendly new home.


Man, that post made me feel like hurling. :/

The only thing good I can possibly get from it are the number of responses (and I don't have time to read every reply to those responses, so I don't know if it actually keeps flowing down the chain) saying "uh, are you kidding? no way, kthxbye."

I'm almost speechless about this. I mean, I don't even know what bothers me more. The fact that they think that their users are stupid enough not to see through something lame like that, or that _they're_ stupid enough to try and push it on their users to begin with. "Yeah, we're not going to host stuff 6A doesn't like. But we'll decide what that is after you pony up the dough."

Pardon my french, but seriously, what a fat load of $#17

Re: o.O

Oh, and I wonder if Berkowitz is aware that "Berk" is pommy-speak for "you cretinous tosspot".
Apparently, on a subconscious level, he does...

I also want to plaster this chick's comments over the face of every pro-censorship fool who ever even pulled up a websearch for a livejournal page:

Okay, I'm done now. I think. Thanks for posting that, despite the fact I think my blood pressure just rose about 50 points :P

Re: o.O

I read that. For me that pretty much summed it up.
I think I can sum up my response with: "Oh, fuck no you don't get my dough."

I cannot even believe that LJ/6A is going ahead with the perm account sale when they still haven't addressed any issues raised by the Strikeout.

Now they're promising to get something to us today. Unh, yeah. Sure. Note that there'll be plenty of time for users to vet it. And how about that input we were supposed to get?

Either they're really stupid, or they think we are. Neither option suits me.
Actually, someone pointed out either on the news post or the lj_biz post (and I can't remember which one, because it was rather late when I was skimming through them last night) that this wouldn't be the first time that SA/LJ has offered to give the users a chance to give their input and then not listened.

It came up when sponsored accounts were introduced and when SA/LJ decided that people couldn't have pictures of nipples, or breastfeeding as their default user icon. Both times they asked for feedback, and both times, the response they got from the users was overwhelmingly negative. And they did it anyway.

I guess by giving us something today they'll give the illusion of giving people a chance to give their input, and then just do whatever the hell they want anyway.
Huh. I guess it's a good thing I just don't have time to check LJ anymore and have pretty much silently moved over here.
I agree everyone who said they weren't going to get one. I was really wanting to get one until the whole Strikethrough thing happened and through reading comments I was able to learn of all the other crap that 6A did, or in some cases didn't do, and it gave me even more reason to hate their guts. I would be so happy if LJ got rid of 6A after this.
Uh, LJ can't 'get rid of' SixApart. LJ is owned by SixApart.
Yeah I know, it's just wishful thinking.
Yep, I'm glad I came over here. LJ's not getting any more money out of me.

I don't appreciate my intelligence being insulted.
Does that mean if I kill enough ogres I can be exaulted with LJ and get an epic mount?

HA! The only "epic mount" LJ users are going to get will be in their poor behinds.

I'm not sure what the mystery is here ... LJ is bringing the hammer down, they might as well accept it, on both sides.
From the LJ Biz post - "I do believe we can provide you a good deal of clarity on the policies we intend to implement before the end of the day in California today (Wed.). I hope that will help."

Sure, and when they change things in the last minute, they can shrug and say "well, it was our intention, but we couldn't do that". To bad.
It's very obvious only a fraction of people are watching lj_biz. Just like it's obvious only a fraction of Livejournal users even know this has gone on.

Go take a look in the news community, at the comment responses to krissy announcing permanent accounts. I counted at least two people saying, "What? What is this 'strikethrough' thing everyone is talking about? Can someone explain it please?" That was just on the first few pages.

What's really sad is the gross majority of folks who just do not care. There it is, black and white, right there for them to look at. "Clarifying our policies so that it's easier to understand what kinds of content Six Apart is either unwilling to host or legally unable to host." And they just... don't care.

P.S. BERKOWITCHHUNT is now a meme.
I had pretty much the same thoughts reading the comments on the news page, which I thought to visit after the lj-biz post. All the people saying "oh, not the strikethrough stuff again, haven't they gotten over it yet, everything's been explained already" is disheartening, to say the least...
Oh it's more than disheartening. It just makes you want to reach out and backhand some of these little brats!

Maybe that's just me though.

I guess it's kind of encouraging to see a pretty vocal group all expressing the "No I don't think so" attitude to this announcement. There are people paying attention, who know what's going on. They just aren't upset enough to jump ship with the rest of us ratz.

I'm learning a lot from this little evolution, I gotta admit. I'll be looking at things from an entirely different perspective from here on out.

for what it's worth...

"It just makes you want to reach out and backhand some of these little brats!"

Heh, no that's not just you >D
No, no, it's not just you.

the stoopids

Even if their policy became awesomely beautiful and everything I ever wanted, they are not getting another dime.

I hate them.

I added berkowitchhunt and Baraked to my nifty set of "interests" on my fake profile page over there.

[I saved the real one under a cut].

I like it here.
But I really do have to get more sleep tonight.
I was up til 4am making comments and whatnot there.


A salient point which I offer; because I have some experience with this vis-a-vis erotic "amateur" webcam sites (specifically: AnyWebCam.com); is

Once LJ / 6 Apart has (your) Permanent Account money, it knows
it will never get another dollar from (that person).
So it has every incentive to make that Permanent Account holder leave,
or find a reason to terminate the Account for a TOS violation.

(The background: AnyWebCam.com offered "gold" lifetime memberships. But when its servers continued to get swamped, despite the funds allegedly going to more, and faster servers; some AWC lifetime members began using JMeeting as their preferred webcam site.
AWC deleted every reference to JMeeting in those persons' information pages; and terminated some lifetime members when they persisted in mentioning JMeeting.)
[AWC is an Australian corporation, so an attempt to litigate against it hit a snag, because most of the targeted parties were in the U.S.A.]

My LJ (Free) Account associated with this personae was permanently suspended, probably because I was a Friend to littlegirllover, and had made constructive replies on selected entries of his. It was reinstated. (The anti-erotica vigilantés of course, did not bother to actually read my entire User Info page.)
But there is no way I will ever again trust LJ / 6 Ap. I have no intention of giving it any money; and no intention to make another entry on my LJs - yes, including the above-ground one which was not suspended.