[info]yohjideranged in [info]07refugees

WFI update

I know that some of you are still watching the whole Warriors For Innocence drama at LJ.  So, here is a little update.

Apparently WFI is writing letters via email to people that advertise with LJ.  So, what everyone has been saying all along is true...we haven't seen the end of this.

You can find this reference here:  http://community.livejournal.com/fanthropology/355022.html

The apathy after the apology just killed me...I don't expect people to leave now...but I am hoping that we can persuade some more (the ones we care about) to jump ship before it completely sinks.

Thank you for your time.



I finally took an actual look at their website (WFI). They're just thought nazis. I mean, seriously, if there actually were child predators using LJ, why not just contact the Feds or whoever takes care of it in the US? Get them to sequester records of IPs used to login, etc etc. It all looks like just another excuse for a bitch-fest to me. Not to mention that, whatever they do to Livejournal, it won't actually stop the problem. It's just going to sweep it under the carpet, where THEY don't have to think about it anymore. I mean, sheesh, I've known lots of people who were abused, I'm one of them, and that all happened a long time before there was any such goddamn thing as the internet. Or livejournal. Grrr.
Oh, and more on-topic, it's good that you care, and yes, the apathy is disturbing, but that's how history always comes to pass. There'll be a minority of people who care and leave in protest/need (call us "the rats" if you will), and then there'll be those who stay on the ship. Some of them will be able to swim after it sinks, and will find somewhere else in the end anyway. And many more just won't even notice, perhaps because they were never "there" to be able to notice in the first place. It's depressing--the whole thing is depressing--but it's just how humanity seems to work these days. :/
Thanks. The whole situation sucks and I know it sucks. I just am an individual that will save others for heartache and frustration if I can. Probably a losing battle...but I will keep trying.