[info]yohjideranged in [info]07refugees

WFI update

I know that some of you are still watching the whole Warriors For Innocence drama at LJ.  So, here is a little update.

Apparently WFI is writing letters via email to people that advertise with LJ.  So, what everyone has been saying all along is true...we haven't seen the end of this.

You can find this reference here:  http://community.livejournal.com/fanthropology/355022.html

The apathy after the apology just killed me...I don't expect people to leave now...but I am hoping that we can persuade some more (the ones we care about) to jump ship before it completely sinks.

Thank you for your time.



No, it wasn't you. I appreciate constructive comments. I just got slammed in another way and I started to think that maybe this post wasn't appropriate here.

I mean I want people to talk about them because these types of problems are not going to go away and new problems will eventually crop up. I don't want to see another round of my friends freaking out and all fire panicked because they were not in the know. You know?

So, thanks for the comment, but that wasn't directed at you. ^__^
I have a way of offending people when I don't mean to, so especially when something like that pops up I gotta be sure. Glad to know it wasn't me tho. What was the bitching about if you don't mind my asking?

I sympathise with the desire, but, somehow, I think people are going to find ways to be surprised about everything. Looking straight into the Shadow isn't something most people like to do, but that's exactly what you gotta to do keep ahead of this shit. It all comes out of everyone's collective Shadow.
The bitching was more to the point of "hey, they apologized, so what's the big deal." And then came the thing about "you know, you're the only one still talking about it, why are you bothered so much?"

But it does bother me. When strikethrough occurred the survivor community that I was a part of freaked the heck out. Especially so when WFI posted the suspended and deleted journals on their site as pedophiles for anyone in the world to see. Even though this community was never deleted, for survivors it is difficult to feel like a trust has been broken. It's something you never quite get back after it's lost.

So, for me, I thought that others didn't want to hear it either...that's what prompted my edit, which I have taken down because I now realize that I was being reactive.
Shit, if you've been through something like that, your reaction to this shit is hardly surprising. You've already had your capacity to trust seriously rattled if not badly broken. Once bitten, twice wary, and all that.

P.S.: Your icon could only be funnier if it were Squall and Cloud together. What's with the Angst Parade for main characters in video games the last ten years?