[info]yohjideranged in [info]07refugees

WFI update

I know that some of you are still watching the whole Warriors For Innocence drama at LJ.  So, here is a little update.

Apparently WFI is writing letters via email to people that advertise with LJ.  So, what everyone has been saying all along is true...we haven't seen the end of this.

You can find this reference here:  http://community.livejournal.com/fanthropology/355022.html

The apathy after the apology just killed me...I don't expect people to leave now...but I am hoping that we can persuade some more (the ones we care about) to jump ship before it completely sinks.

Thank you for your time.



These WFI creeps scare the daylights out of me!

No kidding - vigilantism and everything. Just the fact that a few are going to such extremes and big companies are listening to them...that is what really scares me.