[info]drkcherry in [info]07refugees

Sorry....does anyone know?

I tried to submit a question to IJ, but none of the FAQs or normal places actually work.

How exactly do you search for users if the search doesn't work?


The directory search (which is only available to paid or permanent users, I think) doesn't work -- so far you can only search by interest. In the support area you can submit a support request with your question (http://www.insanejournal.com/support/submit.bml).
hi, dingsi! ^_^
i've been able to search by user from the "home" page: www.insanejournal.com

it seems that the script isn't quite perfected so when you're on an IJ link that shows the search field other than the home it doesn't know where to run. if i search by user name for you or duae from www. = perfection, but if i go from the (seemingly) handy search field on a profile page = error message.

good info on support, i've been meaning to ask questions about updating the free-code.. tag management would be nice and so on.
Strange, I've searched for interests as well as a specific username from the search field on my profile page and it worked fine. It gets curiouser and curiouser still. O_o
When I try the 'Support' link, I continually get We're currently experiencing some technical difficulties. Please try again in a few moments. Same deal for the submit link.

Oh well, I'll just keep replacing my name when I search for a user.

I wonder if it might be a bit much for the servers at the moment. There was a jump in account creations and general activity due to the LJ fallout. I suppose the issue is only temporary.
I wonder if it might be a bit much for the servers at the moment.

That makes sense.
i've noticed that if i'm on my profile and try to search from there, it fails. if you're starting from your profile or other modification of your journal page, and the URL starts with your user name - the search script doesn't work.
it does work if you wipe it and go from www.insanejournal.com

or do it like i do, sigh, grunt, roll eyes, wipe user name away, thump W W W on keyboard, sigh again, hit search button. =)
but then, i'm pretty grumpy.

search bar at top of profile:
Yeah I was doing it from my profile page. I finally just put that person's name in the browser bar, in place of mine, and it came up that way.

dood.. or that would work. *dies*
if you know the user name, though.
good one!
From what you're describing in other comments, your problems are due to the sitescheme you're using, sorry :/

You can switch siteschemes, though I don't remember which ones are problematic.
InsaneLook is really buggy. =/ New Tweak has trouble with links...

The others I think are mostly alright.