[info]heiko in [info]07refugees

Hi everyone. I just defaulted from LJ ;)

I have collected some links which may be outside [info]stewardess' post. Some of them include commentary on LJ postings such as [info]news on LJ.

These two cover LJ entries/commentary from Russian users.

I'd appreciate it if people could also link me to more that you've found, whether official or unofficial. Thank you!

P/s: Er, I would like to friend people from here... Part of the reason I've been using IJ less is because I am not familiar with anybody or with anything in it. :)


Best thing to do to find friends is to join some interest communities and start posting :D There's also a few "addme" type communities.

Good roundup of links! Welcome to IJ! :)
I dropped you a comment on your IJ rather than this community by mistake... I think we need to do some serious outreach to Russian LJers. Some of 'em surely could be happy here, though I'm not sure how it would work for folks who don't speak/write much English.

copy paste

How do we do this? If we post IJ to Russians...
There are Russian trolls who are going to flood the place.

There is http://www.e-promt.com/ to translate the Russian language, but a lot of it doesn't translate well. Moreover there are too many slangs and colloquial terms...

Re: copy paste

That's true, IJ is still English-focused which wouldn't work as well. I'm not sure how Russian trolls would be any different than English-speaking trolls,though. Same nonsense, different alphabet.

Re: copy paste

Moreover, the Russian community pretty much developed independently (and rather insularly) from the English community...

I can't think of a good way.

Re: copy paste

Why not start off by creating a Russian-speaking asylum, and inviting people individually? Maybe word of mouth (or comments, at least) will start to spread.

Re: copy paste

I have a Russian friend who is willing to help us translate a big post to help Russian users.
If you're looking for a friending asylum, [info]friend_me is a good one (and I'm not just saying that because I'm the mod).
I would, but I'm not much of a fandom person... A lot of my interests are outside of fandom or popular culture, I can make friends with people inside fandom but I'm really not compatible with any fandom strictly.

Hope that makes sense^^;
Yeah, that makes sense. But the asylum isn't strictly fandom. It's just that fandom friending memes are the only ones that have been posted. (If you had an interest/hobby and you wanted to find friends with that same interest/hobby, you could post a non-fandom meme...)
An interest or hobby of Russian-speakers, for instance ;)


Heiko, maybe you ?and friends from El Jay can start a Russian asylum for those of us who wish to learn a little bit of Russian?
