[info]stewardess in [info]07refugees

This Post Contains Explicit Adult Ranting

Six Apart has announced a new censorship tool in lj_biz (for once 6A has linked to a pedophile witch-hunt related development from news, instead of completely burying it in lj_biz).

Amusingly named Voluntary Adult Setting, the feature allows us to flag our own content as adult.

Rest in my insanejournal.


The do most of their major code pushes on Thursday evenings (east coast US time). I'm annoyed they pulled it while I'm sitting here sprinting to the end of NaNo. I was at 23k Monday and I just broke 46k and I just can't take the time to stop and watch SA/LJ be stupid.

[Actually, I like the abilit to flag your journal/community explicit and not having to check the DOB of every member anymore. I just think letting other people flag other people's stuff is monumentally stupid.

And if the one community I have voluntarily set as explicit suddenly has problems it's coming here. I have it set to go already.]
Yeah, the only problem is how explicit posts are seen by people not logged in. The whole thing gets put behind a generic "explicit" cut so the poster can't actually warn those people exactly what might be explicit/offensive/etc about the entry.
Yes, that part wasn't well thought out either. In my specific use, thus far, it's moot since if you aren't logged in you can't see anything anyway.

It's very clear that 6A/LJ has no idea how their users use their service.

What would have been useful was a new type of LJ cut that would trigger the age "verification" rather than flagging an entire post. <lj-age text="blah"> for example. It would look like a normal cut but would do the age check.
Dang, that would have been nifty.
Don't you go expecting LJ to do something that makes sense, when they can implement something poorly conceived instead.