[info]rabbitboy in [info]07refugees

Shamelessly stolen from [info]plush:


Working hard everyday to make it as convenient, quick, and simple as possible for every red-neck, quasi-religious, shamelessly bigoted, hopelessly hypocritical, hyper-sensitive little asshat to determine what kind of content will and will not be allowed, for the protection of it's revenue stream safety and well being of the precious, innocent children.

Because SixApart just doesn't have the manpower to censor you all, and it's easier to dupe it's users into doing it for them.


Thank you. I used to write blogs and just..........write. You know, just let it all out from my brain onto my computer screen. Now that I must consider what Im writing and how it hsould be marked (by default my journal is set to Adult Concepts...but I know I will make posts with my artistic nude modeling which is considered "explicit" by LJ staff) which leaves potential for the naturalness and frankness of my writings to be diminished as I have to sit and consider possible consequences for not marking my entries appropriately.

Ugh....I think my LJ's days are numbered.