[info]rabbitboy in [info]07refugees

Shamelessly stolen from [info]plush:


Working hard everyday to make it as convenient, quick, and simple as possible for every red-neck, quasi-religious, shamelessly bigoted, hopelessly hypocritical, hyper-sensitive little asshat to determine what kind of content will and will not be allowed, for the protection of it's revenue stream safety and well being of the precious, innocent children.

Because SixApart just doesn't have the manpower to censor you all, and it's easier to dupe it's users into doing it for them.


By the way, if anyone's interested in what those adult content lj-cuts are about, there's discussion here.
What you've said here is exactly why this stuff pisses me off.. ugh, fucking prudes.
Yeah I've just finished reading through (so far) 14 pages of comments and the thing I can't get past is that if you're not logged in... you're MORE likely to see something you don't want to, because you can't see what to avoid. *headdesk*

And if you're reading a fanfic journal and they all have these "explicit content" cuts, you can't see what story is in what post. Kind of hard to find the one you want to read, really...