[info]medjed in [info]07refugees

Random charges?

My boyfriend who hasn't paid for a Livejournal-related service in months got a random charge for $4.00 from Livejournal. I can not even THINK of anything Livejournal sells that is $4.00. The Livejournal abuse team has yet to respond back regarding this, but we're both pretty pissed off. He has no automatic payments, he hasn't even used his card for a LJ service since February (The April one was paid with my own card).

I figured I would post it here for people to check their own cards and watch out. I'll let you know what LJ has to say for themselves when they get back to me. I'm correct in saying there's nothing that would amount to $4.00 on their site, right?

His payment history on Livejournal

The bank's details:

[edit]: Turns out they turned on automatic payments on an account he canceled and no longer uses. This should become very interesting.


That's ridiculous! You're right, LJ doesn't sell anything for $4.00. I hope you get it resolved. Thanks for the heads up. One of my friends was already a victim of the 'let's turn back on your automatic payments' fiasco. I'll let her know.
Dang! The only thing I could think of would be additional userpics times two (aren't they like $2 for however many months?). And based off of what I'd seen in this community (or maybe another?), if you alert the card to fraud activity and they in turn alert LJ, that LJ account the activity is related to will be frozen.
I looked at the listings for account add-ons and the only combination that would total $4 is two "orders" of 2 months worth of extra userpics ($2 for every 2 months). He should check to see how many userpics he has.

That's just odd.
He doesn't even have a paid account, so the extra user pic charges make no sense :/
Plus, it would have shown in the payment history if that was the case :/
Wow! Just when you think LiveJournal can't possibly sink any lower, they go and prove you wrong. My God.
An account he CANCELED?

Wow. Keep us updated.
Well, that is interesting...in a potential lawsuit sort of way.

I'm really glad the only times I have had a paid LJ it's been paid by others, but at the same time I hope the people who bought me paid time are keeping an eye out that they aren't getting charged for extras.
Does anyone know if this is affecting only people who previously had auto-payment set, and then stopped it? Or are they turning on auto-payment for anyone who's ever paid at all?
There are reports of people being charged who never had auto-payment turned on (see a comment in my LJ here for one example). I believe that LJ's response to this has been that such people must have turned it on at some point without knowing it: clicked the wrong button or whatever.
I'm very concerned about this. I've totally deleted all my previous LJs (of which three were paid, on manual payments at one point or another), all of them were on free at the time of deletion. Presumably my credit card number still sits on LJs servers, but I've no way of telling whether LJ have re-set my payment to auto. I guess all I can do is contact my card issuer and tell them that if a request comes through from them, that they are not to allow it under any circumstances.
Well, I've always done everything for my boyfriend in regards to Livejournal, so when I first read that scare a few weeks ago, I checked all our accounts to ensure they were turned off. Hence why I didn't even bother to think it was an automatic payment when it first occurred (Apparently 1 month + 1 month of icons = $4.00).

Now that I have, I am infuriated and am waiting LJ's response *still*.


I'd better check mine. :-(
If he has not, yet, he should immediately call the bank/cc comany and put the charge "into dispute". The bank will then contact LJ and refuse the charge. Not sure how long, but generally LJ will have 72hrs to reply back why it's a legit charge, or to reverse the charge. Either way, it puts them on report.

He should also update his Abuse report stating he has contacted his bank and done this. And any further charges will be referred to his lawyer. And yeah, keep screen grabs of everything.
That ETA made me go check my status -- and while I deleted my journal over 30 days ago, I could still log into the *account*. Rooting around in the FAQs showed no up-front way to delete or close the account itself, although I may have stumbled across it in putting in a support request.

Waiting with great interest to hear the response your bf gets.
You will always be able to log into a deleted account until it's purged, so that's necessarily unusual.

Nothing going on for me, but I've never used a credit card to pay for LJ... I feel it too iffy to use a credit card online, period.
Yup, just got a reply back from Support which pointed that out. I was told the account would "eventually" be purged. Great. So we have to check back constantly until LJ decides to run a purge. (I've requested more info on how often these are run, but don't expect a thrilling response.)

'way back before all the different levels, I paid for a year, but let the account revert to basic a couple of years ago. However, given the current SNAFUs, it sounds as though it's entirely possible to be charged. Which is why I'd like the account gone ASAP, not just the journal. *sigh*
well, this is hysterically funny 'cause it's just another reason why i am over here...

only have free accounts at lj, so hopefully to gawd they don't have any credit card info on meeee!! but now it's obvious to be extra cautious for *all the old reasons,* esp. after this post that came thru on my flist this morning:

Title: PSA: All adult users of LJ and ESPECIALLY Comm maintainers and Mods
URL: http://onci-dium.livejournal.com/481750.html

just remember why we are all over HERE, folksies. lalalalalalalala