[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

And we are live

There's a new post in [info]lj_biz - they're distributing $30 gift certificates that you can then use to donate to a US based charity for kids.

Cue all the usual lj_biz arguments and people being told to get a life, etc.

El posto.

This may or may not have anything to do with the increased site traffic reported on Twitter - I wouldn't have thought that would have that much effect, so maybe something else has happened, or else just coincedence.


Eh, while I don't think there was anything particularly mal-intentioned about this, I do think it really sucks for them that they've tarnished their reputation so that they can't even try to do anything good without having a huge cloud over it.

As for that link -- I don't think it's showing that they're in competition with Google and Yahoo -- it's just that Google, Yahoo, and Six Apart are each sponsoring an award given to whichever donating group wins their particular category? That's how I'm reading the chart; I could be wrong though.
yeah i agree about the reputation thing. sad.