[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

To quote from <lj user="fandomtossed"> on GreatestJournal, some rather important news that has been kept on the EXTREME end of the discretion scale. Barak is no longer the CEO of 6A.

"Semi-unlinkable and definitely uncommentable announcement

Press release

Movable Type founder Mena Trott's blog entry

New CEO's statement (full of hot air & signifying nothing). Somehow I doubt he'll get fandom and LiveJournal." { Originally written by [info]msilverstar }


This caught my eye:

Prior to Rojo, Alden was CEO of Red Herring Communications, the publisher of Red Herring magazine

Red Herring. How...apropos. And how did this tasty morsel go undetected?
Hell if I know. I just went over to check my GJ after a few months and there it was on FT.

The alert was posted on the 14th over there.
And we're just hearing about this.

Lord, lord lord.

Mind if I link?
Not at all~!
There was a very short sentence in the September news post saying they'd posted on lj_biz about "ship cap'n changes", so a few of us annoying types were going through the comments leaving notes about it everywhere to make sure people actually noticed. Also links to the article about how Barak seems to make a habit of joining companies, running them into the ground and then bailing so someone else can deal with the fall out. Educating the masses is such fun.
Got that said link? :) I knew about the change, but hadn't read anything about Barak's history.
Ahh, thanks kindly!