[info]shusu in [info]07refugees

new feature?

So, slightly facetiously, I wonder what would happen if your LJ auto-post were deemed obscene. Would you get a warning for it?


What *are* these auto-posts? My flist is suddenly filled with them.
A quick check of lj news, lj_biz and my f-list reveals nothing. *mystified*
Basically its a story generator, except they are using pieces of your posts.

It gathers stuff from your posts, and makes a hodge podge post.

Its freaking annoying is what it is.
OH! Those damn memethings.

Someone had made a post asking what it was and provided a link. I clicked the link and ended up doing my own stupid auto post, which I quickly deleted when I realized.
I'd agree with others--it needs a preview function. Some posts it generates is WAY too long, and none of it is cut. It doesn't grab any images, just text, so mine really make no sense at all. I don't mind playing with it, I just don't want it to actually post anything.

Oh, and to answer your question, since it doesn't grab images, you're probably okay. Very few written fiction of any sort has come under the obscenity hammer in the actual lawbooks. Art is a little trickier, and photography easily gets hammered all the time.

It still needs a preview function, though.
AFAIK, no text has been found legally obscene in the U.S. The only case of text-only obscenity going to court at all was/is the Rose Red Stories website, in 2005; case is still in progress.

However, LJ has said that it bans some text, regardless of legality: if it thinks the text promotes child abuse or rape, it's against the TOS.
LJ has said that it bans some text, regardless of legality

Yes, that right there. I mean, I'm being tongue-in-cheek, but a hodgepodge post could rewrite something into the gray area. Technically.

And by the same token, can't someone pretend it's an auto-post and put up somewhat dadaist questionable material?
Oooh, I like that... dadaist porn!

Would have to make sure there's a pack of similar phrases mixed in with other stuff in recent public posts, though. (Ending each post with an excerpt from those pornspam emails should do it.)