[info]ex_damien542 in [info]07refugees

More on 6a

Rachel clarifies the 'child porn' issue.

And by clarifies, just don't talk about anything sexual concerning under eighteens. Period. Even if they're fictional.

Link goes to the journalfen comm set up to discuss 6a stuff, if anyone on JF would like to join that, but that post also has a link to the original entry.


I'll sum up what I commented over there in shorter, more concise words. I told Rachel a. they were asshats b. have committed fraud c. reminded them without the customers, they wouldn't have a product and asked when they forgot that d. reminded them fictional characters = not real e. I think they're going to get the fuck sued out of them and go down in flames and how I just couldn't wait to see that happen. f. for the love of GOD, it is NOT. ABOUT. CHILD. PORNOGRAPHY. because if I see one more post where a staff member goes off on a tangent regarding fandom and child porn, I might go nuclear
Wow. I love the way that Rachel and the other Six Apart people try to take attention away from the fact that they've fucked up and won't fix it by trotting out the dead horse that is kiddie porn and beats it to an even further death.
I think that's the part that irritates me the most now.

Users: This is about your horrible customer service. Please tell us what you are going to do to improve that?

LJ: Just don't post the child porn and everything will work out fine!

Users: Um, I wasn't talking about porn, child or otherwise. I just want to know when you are going to begin demonstrating some simple competence.

LJ: No child porn!

Users: ...

(By the way, I looked over your journal and enjoyed what I read and friended you. Hope you don't mind.)
Not at all, I'm *thrilled* to meet new people, even if it is only on TEH INTARWEB. I checked out your profile and such and friended back.

Thanks for letting me know, I'm still waiting on an official response to the suggestion I put in to get email notifications working. I realized how much I depended on them on LJ when I didn't have them here and spazzed. :)
I left LJ not so much because of their porn ban but because of their sheer incompetence. Do they intentionally recruit idiots to work for them because it seems that way.

I wish everyone would leave LJ and settle somewhere new and GET BACK TO WRITING SMUT because that is what the internet is for!
I left for a combination of reasons, but total incompetence was definitely at the top of the list of those reasons. My main issue wasn't so much they decided to start banning users for what they considered child pornography, but more how they did so. Without any warning, any kind of information regarding a change to policies or TOS. I was a paying customer for 8 years and even though the fandoms I'm active in weren't getting such scrutiny, being part of a whole fandom community and seeing how that community was getting attacked just pushed it too far. I was pissed off after strikethrough, but wanted to have hope they'd realize their error and correct it. Since May, all they've done is belittle and mock fandom as a whole and that was my breaking point.

By the way, the icon isn't directed at you, it's directed at them. :)