[info]guiltyred in [info]07refugees

"So-and-so has added you as a friend"

Another handy feature that's darn hard to find: the email notification option for new friend notices.

It's right here: http://www.insanejournal.com/manage/subscriptions/

I think that the "all comments in my journal on any post" option will copy your own replies back to you in email; if you're getting comment notifications okay, leave that one alone.    ^__^

So far, all I've done is go back to LJ and see what the web address is for those useful things, then add the necessary stuff to the end of the InsaneJournal addy -- and so far, it's worked like a charm.

Now to figure out if/how to get notifications for individual journal updates/community posts, and if it's not available, to ask Squeaky most humbly to make it happen.  ^_____^

ETA: The thumbtack feature to keep track of posts et al is found when you actually click on a cut/view comments/otherwise go to the actual post. It's right there in the little toolbar -- just like on LJ.


Yes, definitely - but somehow, it doesn't seem to work for me :(