[info]sagami in [info]07refugees

Petition against new bill

I thought this was interesting to read. http://community.livejournal.com/fandom_flies/6400.html

In this post, it suggests that there's a new bill in coming, which could put fictional characters under the same laws as real life persons currently. In other words, writing fiction or doing art depicting children in sexual activities would also be considered illegal.

Note: posts from fandom_flies are being mirrored at both [info]fandom_flies and [info]fandom_fliesot, with [info]fandom_flies being predominantly related to information of fandom exodus (planning and such), but [info]fandom_fliesot mirroring all other posts posted at fandom_flies @ LJ but not related to fandom exodus. Join any if interested, or none at all if not.


The post actually covers a bill and a law. The coverage of the bill is accurate, but the coverage of the law is out of date.

In short: [info]synecdochic incorrectly posted that fictional characters are treated like real people when it comes to pornography laws. Art and other depictions of fictional characters who are underage are not considered child pornography. The law that [info]synecdochic referenced was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. The official word from Abuse is that the suspensions were over posting obscene (on the "no artistic merit" clause) content, not illegal child porn content.

The link to the bill, however, is real. Congress is considering tightening up copyright law to the point where people who attempt copyright infringement could face the same criminal penalties as drug pushers, and it also weakens the requirement that there has to be proof an infringement has taken place. The link takes you to EFF which describes the bill and has a nifty form letter you can send to your local Congresspeople. (I filled it out and sent it-- I suggest other registered voters and 18+ people do so as well, it only takes maybe a minute.)