January 7th, 2009

[info]atalantapendrag in [info]07refugees

Simulposting with Semagic help?

I hope this is all right to post here.

Back during Strikethrough, I used Snapetoy's post on how to set up Semagic to simultaneously post to multiple journals and have been happily doing so. However, I got a new computer this week and realized I don't remember how to set that up, and of course the post was on GJ and is now history! Does anyone remember how?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

ETA: Thanks to [info]eemilyvr1 for the link!

[info]cozzybob in [info]07refugees

Backing up LJ

I posted this huge bullet guide of programs to help Windows, Mac & Linux users backup their LJ's via the current drama going on. There's even some programs to transfer your entire LJ to IJ! :D

Find the post here, if you're interested.

*loves and dashes*

[info]littlegirllover in [info]07refugees

Livejournal=Deadjournal, yet?

I'm getting a dead signal at livejournal from all browsers at the moment - anyone else?

If off-topic or prematurely worrisome, just delete, of course.