January 6th, 2009

[info]mllesatine in [info]07refugees

LJ employees sacked

SUP sacked a number of employees in their San Francisco office. no_lj_ads has a tiny summary and a few links to a few sources (they call it the Grim Purge which I find inappropriate...)

[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

It finally happened. lol

Does anyone remember GreatestJournal? Well it's finally down. I was on it yesterday and it was working fine so it must of happened within the last 24 hours.

What I keep on getting is:

403 Denied
GJ is currently down - Please go to LiveJournal

Old users: you can backup all entries and comment with ljarchive

As of January 6, 2009, after a year of issues, GreatestJournal is finally dead. Oh well.

Check this out http://greatestjournal.com/