December 5th, 2007

[info]heiko in [info]07refugees

Hi everyone. I just defaulted from LJ ;)

I have collected some links which may be outside [info]stewardess' post. Some of them include commentary on LJ postings such as [info]news on LJ.

These two cover LJ entries/commentary from Russian users.

I'd appreciate it if people could also link me to more that you've found, whether official or unofficial. Thank you!

P/s: Er, I would like to friend people from here... Part of the reason I've been using IJ less is because I am not familiar with anybody or with anything in it. :)

[info]diachrony in [info]07refugees

mark kraft on the sale of lj to sup

I recommend everyone read My thoughts on the sale -- again -- of LiveJournal by Insomnia, who used to be the "all things business" manager of LiveJournal back in the day (2000-2002) and has a lot of insight regarding the recent sale of LJ to the Russian company SUP. There is more info in the comments as well, regarding LJ's data mining capabilities, etc.