August 28th, 2007

[info]elfwreck in [info]07refugees

BEST. Comment. Evar.

dangerousedge posted a comment in the news thread at, and also a post in her own journal.

She's BILLING them for the advertising time.
I am sending an invoice to Accounts Payable in the amount of $9,600 for marketing, advertising, and promotional services rendered as part of our on-going Diet Pepsi Max Sponsored v-gift Campaign. That's $50/hr. from August 16, 2007 to August 24, 2007 and the terms are net-30.

[info]jackandahat in [info]07refugees

Response from Pepsi.

Several of you asked for me to let you know if/when I got a response. This popped up this morning:

Response (Darryl Pitts) - 28/08/2007 12.59 PM
Dear Mr Whelan

Thank you for your email. We apologise for the delay whilst we have looked into this matter further.

We have instructed our media buying agency to ensure that our adverts only appear on websites that meet our company guidelines. Where we do not approve of the content of a website, we will ensure our advertising is removed.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Yours sincerely

Darryl Pitts
Britvic Consumer Care Advisor

[info]shusu in [info]07refugees

new feature?

So, slightly facetiously, I wonder what would happen if your LJ auto-post were deemed obscene. Would you get a warning for it?