June 3rd, 2007

[info]silverthorne in [info]07refugees

New comm


Not one-hundred percent sure what it'll turn into--either Rp or a discussion board, depending on who joins and what folks want, but the focus will be on the horror genre from books, film and TV. Feeel free to join as yourself or as a horror-based character. We'll figure out what to make the place into once you all get there. *g*

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

Community directory

We might as well try and keep a running list of the asylums here, especially the fandom ones but the general ones too - like LJ has metaquotes and bad_rpers_suck and things. :P I don't expect there's many at the moment, but it'll help people coming in later to keep track.

A NOTE: If you're creating a new asylum, [info]squeaky would love it if you posted about it to [info]asylum_promo, too. That way people watching that asylum can learn about all the new places being set up.

Cut for convenience )

[info]kerflufflebunny in [info]07refugees

New asylum. :)

[info]mmorpgs for the discussion of any and all MMORPGs. :)

[info]teh_kittykat in [info]07refugees

For the Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney fans: [info]gyakuten_saiban

I see it as pretty much a clone of the original back on LJ.