[info]yourlibrarian in [info]07refugees


Here's something I haven't seen anyone addressing yet on any of the fandom diaspora communities, yet I imagine it will affect quite a few people. I have no desire to give LJ/6A any more of my money. However I know many people have given virtual gifts and I know I have also gifted people with paid time, extra userpics, etc. What would be a good alternative to these sorts of micro thank you/special occasion gifts for people who are only on LiveJournal?


May I suggest charities that accept micropayments on their behalf?

For instance, http://www.heifer.org/ lets you buy a share in a trio of rabbits or tree seedlings for $10, a share in a llama or a whole flock of ducks for $20...

Or send a teddy bear to an orphan on their behalf for $15, or buy a girl a pair of school shoes on their behalf for $15.

I know it's not $2-$3, but these do change the world for the better, rather than just putting a digital image on someone's userinfo (which is still a nice thought)...
That's a great idea! I don't know why it didn't occur to me but there are various fandom charity drives that go on as well and those would also be good options. Thanks for the suggestion.