[info]gehayi in [info]07refugees

In case anyone wants to know why you're looking for a community away from LJ...

In which Burr86 has time to make fun of Strikethrough '07 and LJers, but no time to answer questions.

Burr86 being, among other things, a Six Apart executive who frequently addresses LJers and their questions.

I'm just incredulous. I can't believe that any so-called professional businessman would act like this toward his customers. Even after he was called on it, he still continued to make fun of people.

I think that we can safely say that this is LJ's attitude toward its customers.

They do not like their customers.

They do not respect their customers.

They think nothing of mocking their customers and their concerns publicly.

Isn't that CHARMING?

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?


Okay, I read them. Maybe the hour (Kitteh pounced and nibbled starting at 4am). Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering if either his account was hacked, or someone had *way* the fuck to much to drink? Yeah, the man has the personality of an organic banana left out to long, but this was just...weird.

If it was the Drunk option...I am one of those who think the drunk/heat of the moment spewage is actually more truthful than when not.

I am one confuzzled Gator. *drinks more coffee, to keep the farmers in bizness* (Allie winders if the Farm/Ag report at 5am is really wise, as Allie is a bit susceptible)

Allie thanks the Intranets ghods for spell check.
...maybe he just forgot to switch accounts? *snickersnort* I know I sometimes forget to switch and comment with a wrong one...