[info]teh_kittykat in [info]07refugees

STOP THE PRESSES! Six Apart may be breaking the law!

In short: Recently, a federal court ruled that companies on the Internet must inform their userbase when they change the contract that the users agreed to. The ruling explicitly says that keeping an up-to-date copy of the contract on the site is not good enough-- companies must actually send out the friggin' e-mail in order to let consumers know.

Not that this probably impacts anyone's bottom line, but if you happen to have a lot of free time/money and saved before/after versions of the LJ TOS.. go to town, man. Six Apart is now open to class-action lawsuits over it according to Uncle Sam.

Yeah, I got nothing else.


Yeah. I don't see any law suits happening. I don't think it would hurt to file complaints with regulatory agencies to try and get perm/paid account refunds based upon this information, but class action? I really don't think so.

Maybe file a consumer complaint with the Office of the Attorney General (California). *shrug*
There's always the FTC! ;D