[info]telesilla in [info]07refugees

LJ continues to be made of epic fail..

Fan artists' journals are being suspended.

So, how do we let LJ know that this is not something we want to see happening?

ETA: Ack, sorry about this, for some reason I ended up posting this here instead of in my own journal. *facepalms*


By taking away their 13 million users. What else? It's not as though they listen to us rabble at all, and it's just going to continue until everyone wises up and leaves and/or the place is reduced to fluffybunny teenagers who are stupid.
Agreed. I think the thing is that people actually have to move to make them realise it.

Some people have moved here, some to greatestjournal, some to private hosting and all, but I feel like we're all scattered all over the place. But if you're interested, there's a pretty interesting movement over at [info]fandom_flies. It's talking of a fandom-friendly non-profit site (that's currently in beta-test). I like the sound of it, and hey, maybe it'll be sufficient to pull folks over.

If not, maybe we need to work harder at our pimping. ^_~
Argh. It never ends.

I think we already let LJ know as clearly as we could, and they simply don't care. They've made their decision. Now we have to make ours as to whether we stay there. I resolved long ago that I wouldn't spend another cent on them.
I think the question is, how do we convince fandom to stop being in happy denial and move. LJ's already made it pretty clear that they don't actually WANT us there.
It seems that HP fandom is getting pissed off thanks to this. :)
I think it's more than HP, really. We thought after strikethrough #1 - it was just pressure from WFI, now they'll have sense. And just... WHAT.

*totally fled* This is cyber witchhunting. I know I haven't had any banning off LJ... yet, but dear God I was not waiting around to find out.
*offers modly comfort* It's okay, we still love you. :)