Jan. 17th, 2012


WHO: Jules Rivers, Rufus MacFusty & Lee Jordan
WHAT: Smokin', hangin' out and ... more :O :O
WHERE: Jules & Ruf's house
WHEN: Tuesday

Teenagers across the land are glazed and oversexed )

Oct. 13th, 2011


Characters: Rufus MacFusty and Other MacFustys? Open to any visitors.
Setting: Ruf's room at Mungo's, Thursday early evening.
Summary: Ruf's been knocked out on potions most of the day but is up and wants to let everyone know HE'S OKAY AND CAN HE GO HOME NOW?
Rating: G I'd think

He had no doubt someone would wander back in soon enough. He just hoped he was awake when they returned. )


WHO: Rufus MacFusty & Juliet Rivers
WHAT: Rufus wakes up after the attack
WHERE: Mungo's
WHEN: Thursday morning

i feel like i got hit by a hippogryff )

Oct. 12th, 2011


Characters: Rufus MacFusty, Juliet Rivers & Wolfy!Fenrir
Setting: Rufus and Jules' home, Wednesday night
Summary: Rufus, unfortunately, has to learn a lesson about not being so dang nosy and pestering questionable werewolves.
Rating: PG? Attack but a quick one.

'Hello?' he called, sure he’d seen something move in the underbrush )

Sep. 25th, 2011


[owl to rufus macfusty]

Happy Birthday, Ruf!! I wish I could be there with you! I hope you like your present. I tried to make it a sweater but it didn't work so well.

I love you!!


enclosed is an extra long blue scarf

Sep. 22nd, 2011


The Quibbler: 22 September 1997

Just Who Are the Masterminds of the Eternal Full Moon Plot?
R. MacFusty

The theories that have blossomed in light of the situation in Leipzeig have flooded in over the last few weeks. And while the Ministry still maintains their stance that the eternal full moon is an impossibility concerned citizens know better. While the possibility of an unending full moon is frightening what has become almost even more frightening are the possible groups behind this dark magic.

Many theories fall apart under close scrutiny even though they sound solid at first. Many but not all. While all theories have been heard and discussed, the one with the most merits is by far the scariest. There are, actually, some beings in this world who claim to understand the skies
like no other: the Centaurs. What if a group has arisen amidst these generally docile beings? Centaurs that have been planning world domination since eons back, constantly persuading the heavens to bend towards their will, unbeknownst to even their kin and herds, and their plans are now starting to pay off? Unfortunately, the evidence is overwhelming…

Far from being stupid, Centaurs were originally acknowledged as the Beings they are, but they requested to be classified as Beasts. Why on Earth would anyone request that, unless it was to avoid attention? Any subsection would have to patient and incredibly devious to not only control the heavens but puppet the entire Centaur community into unknowingly supporting their motives. The ways of the Centaurs are by nature cryptic and secretive, the very environment that would cultivate the mentality to form this sort of cabal. They always speak in unsolvable riddles and are completely indifferent to humankind. As the moon stops following it’s usual cycle, chaos will sweep over the world. Werewolves will rise, just like the tides and all control of the situation will be lost. And for what? “Perhaps the Centaurs like to have especially bright spots on the heavens? They sure kept on talking about the brightness of Mars for decades...” Mr. Buckles suggested when he first proposed the theory. It’s beyond belief that the entire Centaur community has aligned against the rest of the world in such a way but the possibility of a few working behind the scenes to create this horrific outcome is frightening for humans and Centaurs alike.

Of course nothing has been unequivocally proven as to the presence of a cabal hidden in the Centaur hordes. And while it cannot be ruled out it can not be assumed to be the only possible answer. Werewolves have long be persecuted by the larger Wizarding community, they are shunned and generally regarded with fear and disgust. Fear of Lycanthropy has led to an accepted culture of hatred in which restrictive anti-werewolf legislation is able to pass. Such blatant discrimination is the perfect atmosphere for retaliation and resentment to develop. Werewolves have already been known to come together to support each and often choose to exist away from other wizards. They are a tight knit, closely guarded group and finding werewolves willing to bring outsiders into their groups or discuss their communities matters is extremely difficult, this correspondent learned first hand. It is not a large leap to think there could be, just like with the Centaurs, members of the persecuted community that have banded together to take back their rights by force.

Attempts to find experts willing to put aside their preconceived notions and discuss what sort of Dark Magic could shift the heavens around was impossible. Without expert guidance on what to look for we are left to presume it can only be the work of extremely dark and dangerous spells, the sort only able to be preformed by the most powerful wizards. The known violent werewolves, such as the wanted Fenrir Greyback, also have reputations for throwing their lot in with He Who Must Not Be Named and his followers. Could they be exchanging their brute force and allegiance for the magical aid of powerful Death Eaters? Or are there simply powerful wizards that have been turned and have been lying in wait for the right moment to take back their place in society by taking the attempt to turn more werewolves to the next level, the global level?

Whether Werewolves, Centaurs, Death Eaters or even a horrible combination are behind this devious plan remains unknown. But what is known is that the clock is ticking everyday and that something must be done to stop the heavenly shift and bring the culprits to justice before the entire world is brought to it’s knees.

Sep. 7th, 2011


WHO: Juliet Rivers & Rufus MacFusty
WHAT: dancing in the rain and then more
WHERE: their cottage in Newquay
WHEN: after this entry
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Dirty hippy sex!/NC-17/Finished log

i'd make a good monkey )

Sep. 2nd, 2011


The Quibbler: 2 September 1997

Eternal Full Moon Over Leipzeig, Germany?
R.Macfusty, Correspondent

There have long been reports of Global’s Warming, a worrying change in climate of our planet and how it is changing drastically. However, recent events brought under magical scrutiny suggest the problem is far worse than hereto expected: In fact the problem is astronomical!

Mr. Willard Buckles Sr., a resident of Archery-on-the-Docks and faithful Quibbler subscriber, who is visiting Germany on holiday, came across some shocking news. The family decided to visit a local zoo know to have a most unique attraction they were calling the ‘Bare Bears.’ Unlike the Muggles around them who were watching the ‘bears’ happily, pointing and smiling as the strange sight, Mr. Buckles was shocked and frightened to find himself face to face with caged werewolves! The shock was all the more vivid as they visited the zoo in broad daylight and no less than ten days after the full moon! It was clear from the signs the ‘bears’ had been in this condition for quite sometime, around the clock, regardless of the weather.

Mr. Buckles tried to warn the zoo’s director, who had clearly been Obliviated and Confunded as he insisted the ‘bears’ had long been property of the zoo. He maintained firmly it had only been recently that they had lost their furs but had always been part of the park - a completely unbelievable explanation of course! Who has ever heard of bears capable of taking their fur off?


Aug. 6th, 2011


Who: Viola Rivers, Juliet Rivers, Rufus MacFusty
When: Friday evening
Where: Juliet Rivers and Rufush MacFusty's House in Newquay
What: Viola comes to visit her sister
Rating: Undecided - may contain Rufus nudity
Open/Closed: Closed unless you're at Jules and Rufus' House

A Visit to Newquay )

Aug. 2nd, 2011


Owl to Rufus )

Jul. 20th, 2011


Characters: Rufus MacFusty and Juliet Rivers
Setting: Their home in Newquay, late afternoon
Summary: Summer shenanigans and swimming
Warning/Disclaimer: None really, some naked swimming at the end there.

The heat hit him as soon as he stepped out the back door and crossed the garden for the shed. It was the thick, hazy sort of hot summer day that was only tolerable because it made you want to do little more than lie in the sun and soak it all up. )

February 2012




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