May 24th, 2010

[info]takingsides in [info]bellumletale


That was fun!

[info]redhorse_tea in [info]bellumletale

[posted Sunday the twenty-third; locked to P1, 1206, 1203, 1202, 1002, 1004, 1007, 906, 701, 703, 501, 206]
I am I hope I have used the old fable post, here, to be finding you. I am sorry hope I am not intruding, but I find myself to be needing advice from other women.

In the locked rooms we were all having, I was required to have married Inspecto Luther a certain man. This man, I am liking him already, but this, it was very overwhelming. You do not think this marriage, it is for real, da? And if I may have possibly was running away, is there good way to be apologizing?

[locked to 706, 202]
If I am running from man who kissed me, is there good way to be saying the apologies?


[info]sentinelstar in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 905

[Morning after Riddle Night]

Originally, I planned to stop by after returning the building but I saw that you were busy. How did the evening treat you? Did Daniel explain what was with that
Tags: ,

[info]withinastory in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 204

[posted early the morning after Riddle Night]

I'm so sorry for ever thinking you were exaggerating the craziness. Please respond, or call, or come over, anything... just let me know you're okay.

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale

Delivered to R1

[The furniture is delivered to R1 the day after this, and is designated for the 'Rented Guest Room.' The items are from a local, well-known thrift store, and Ella ordered and paid for them that morning without seeing them (they're transitory things, not meant to be taken with her when she leaves). The only items which are hers are her laptop and Daniel's typewriter and a few boxes of knick knacks. Most of the contents of 905 (including the books not at the flower shop) were not salvageable, and she ended up paying to have the apartment cleaned out, and leaving the patching of the walls to be covered by the security deposit.]

[She sent the keys to 905 to the P.O. Box used for all such building matters. For the time being, all messages posted to 905 will be forwarded to her new unit within the building - R1(B)]
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[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumletale

Threads Locked Individually

{ Posted early afternoon Wednesday, the day after Riddle Night }

[ Locked to 207 ]

You sure weren't kidding when you said something weird would be happening soon. I spent two hours in a mannequin sandwich, and that wasn't even the strangest part. Though from what I'm hearing, my room wasn't even that bad. I guess I should be happy I didn't have to walk a tightrope.

Anyway, I'm sorry for not stopping by the shop after the last time we forum chatted. I'll have to do that eventually. But for now, I just thought I'd drop you a line and see how you're doing. You make it through the Night of Insanity in one piece, witchy sister?

[ Locked to 401 ]

{ This is added after the conversation with Katya dwindles to a close }

You still have fingernails?

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

Individually Locked after Riddle Night

[Private to 802]

Please tell me you're not hurt or dunked underwater or locked in a room somewhere.

[Locked Private to 108]

You all right? Brothers okay?

[info]still_lotte in [info]bellumletale

posted after riddle-night

[After this]

Did everyone make it back alright?

And you all need to

I'm also looking for a Sherri? This is Lotte - we met downstairs?

[Locked to 501]

Hey I'm sorry about how'd your evening go?

[Locked to 905]

How are You need to leave I wanted to check in on you.

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

R1, P3, 905, 802




I'm with Boyd. You needn't come looking.

We'll be coming to see you soon anyway about the money.


Why did you do it?


Did you get locked up as well? any sign of the package sender? likely too much to hope for