April 26th, 2010

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

phone call to 1007


[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale


[Locked to 1004]

Hanny, did Evie ever find Nicky? I just settled in, and I don't wanna wait to read through everything before knowin.

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale

[Blocked from 905 and 1002.]

[After this.]

To get to her, you're going to have to get through me, and I promise it won't be a pleasant experience.

I have no idea how you got it into your head that she would ask us to threaten anybody. We do that fine on our own.

And the rest of you raising hell anonymously--I hope you're happy at all the damage you caused. Is all the blood soaked into the foundation of the building making it worthwhile?

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

locked to 1007

Where are you? Are you alright? I went to the hospital and you and Rosalie weren't there. She says you went somewhere because of a threat. What happened?

She said she couldn't tell me where you were in case I came out there.

And who is this 'Rick' asshole who has your phone? Is he Family? if he's so much as laid a hand on you

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale

The full moon is in two days, and with recent events, I think we need to do a better job of watching out for each other, in the form of a neighborhood watch. Two men residents per shift, couple shifts per night.

Prove to me that this building isn't full of selfish, homicidal cowards. Volunteers?

[info]nightmrholmes in [info]bellumletale

Locked to #705

[Before the coffee shop midnight event. CONFUSING? WHY?!]

Please tell me you've got something on the cameras.

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale


[When this gets posted]

[Locked to P3]

Do somethin before Daniel gets his fool self killed, Vlad.

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1002

I see you attempted to contact the man who attacked Ella. Did it work?

[info]noglass_slipper in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1202A

I don't know if you'll see this but They told me I couldn't see him before

How's Nick doing? Do you know when he'll be allowed to have visitors?