February 22nd, 2010

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1007

[After Daniel stops answering]

He stopped talking to me. I can get there in 45 minutes, if we leave now.

[info]nylonghorn in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 802

[Locked to 802]

My wife's best friend from high school is visiting. I have no idea how long she will be here... Save me. Lets go get a beer. Or five. Whatever it takes to block out the giggle.

She brought a rat dog thing.

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale

601, P3

[Private to 601, P3]

There's a woman living in my apartment.

Her name is Leah, and I believe she's a victim of Vaughn's. I haven't told her I'm passing this information along, though I can't guarantee Vaughn hasn't warned her already.

Regardless, she was there when I left the apartment this morning, in case you wish to speak to her.

[info]bellum_secrets in [info]bellumletale

how to request an audience with the duchess

delivered under every door in the building, printed on hard cardstock, professionally, with a glossy finish )

[info]letalepromises in [info]bellumletale

[Immediately after this]

I wasn't aware I had competition for business in this fine establishment. Very well. This Duchess thinks she can grant better wishes than I? Then I leave you to her.

I transfer my deals to you, darling Duchess. Let us see how you do with them.

[Any replies will go unanswered]