February 5th, 2010

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

Shoved hastily under the door of P5. )

[info]mostloyallover in [info]bellumletale

private message to 501 from 504

Dear Neighbor (James?),

We haven't met yet but I just moved in to 504 (hi!) and I saw your name come up on the freaky anonymous feedback forum thing the other night. In particular, I saw the scary threat and I wanted to offer my help.

In the spirit of full disclosure, you should know that I'm not very brave, strong, or tough but my boss says I have an exceptionally loud indoor voice. I suppose that's not a preventative, per se, but maybe a deterrent? Also, it seemed neighborly, rather than pretending I didn't see the post.

So, if you want company or dinner or someone who can shriek really loud, I'm your girl. :)

Daisy Fitzhugh, 504

PS: I feel like I should add that while I am accused of being a bit loud, I don't think I'll be a noisy neighbor -- but if I am, of course feel free any time to tell me to be quiet. Hopefully you won't hear me, though; mostly it's my laugh which can get a little out of control and since I don't have any friends here if I'm laughing loudly by myself that would be super weird.

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumletale

[locked to 1206]

I talked to the detective - Rupert Holden - and he said he'd help. He's not going to charge us or anything.

I'll keep you updated on how things progress.

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale

[Private to 1201]

How many people hired you since the anon post, sugar?

[info]bellum_secrets in [info]bellumletale


Slipped under the door of P4. No note. )

[info]bellum_secrets in [info]bellumletale

[Slipped under the door of P2, along with the following note:]

P2 )

[info]backoff in [info]bellumletale


[After this.]


[info]oftrifles in [info]bellumletale

[private from 1201 to 204]

I have your information.