January 27th, 2010

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale

[E-mail sent to Vaughn/Leah at her work e-mail, immediately after Bellum Black]

To: Leah (davis@stuy.edu)
From: C. Davis (davisc@publishinghouse.net)
Subject: Are you safe?

Leah, I haven't seen you since the lights went out, so I'm hoping you're working late. We had a power outage of sorts in the building, and I think someone's wandering around trying to scare people. Do be careful? I don't want anything to happen to you.

Also, I'm not certain if you read the building anonymous posts, but someone was threatening to break into the apartment the other day and do unmentionable things to us. Should we look into an alarm, do you think? It frightened me.


[info]ex_sepulchre370 in [info]bellumletale

[Left tied to the doorway of 802 on a platinum chain, after this and some time after Jude's subsequent talk with her family]

Forget Me Not

[info]stringthetrail in [info]bellumletale

Out of idle curiosity, was anyone else accosted during the blackout? If it was one of you, I would like to know so we don't cross paths again.

[info]takingsides in [info]bellumletale

Is anyone missing any property after the blackout?

[info]mostloyallover in [info]bellumletale

Hey all! So, I've just moved in -- or, I want to -- but the elevator is broken? (Maybe that's definitive, in which case, .) And I'm on the 5th floor (my mom was afraid someone could break in so I couldn't take the first floor, which I wanted, but why did she pick the fifth? Can anyone climb up that high? she's overprotective, I'm trying to get her in to family therapy but that's neither here nor there)... So, anyway, five flights are a lot of stairs. (Queen of understatement here!) So, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is: are New Yorkers as rude as they're rumored to be? HALP! how do I get the elevator to stop on my floor so I can move my things in?