January 26th, 2010

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale

[Sent immediately after Bellum Black]

The package is in plain brown wrapping, as per usual, but it isn't a normal book (Inside | Front | Back) Inside, there's a letter in Ella's normal handwriting, the same script as in the note left with the tea given to Rosalie during the blackout (Directions and The Apology by Ralph Waldo Emerson) and the directions and poems on the box of bottles delivered to Daniel previously. The Return address is listed as Gainsborough, E.C. - Bellum Letale.

Sent to Daniel Brown Webster, c/o L.L. Quinn )
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[info]oftrifles in [info]bellumletale

I really needn't waste my time on this This is for casework, not fraternising. Bloody fucking Sod it I

It was suggested by a stranger whom I will never be taking advice from come a second meeting that I introduce myself here. For the life of me, I'll never understand why, but I suppose it's rather common to get acquainted with one's neighbours in an environment like this. This is my first time living in an apartment building, and while I wish I could say I'm truly looking forward to the experience, I don't particularly fancy making a liar of myself so soon.

In any case, my name is Rupert Holden and I've just recently moved into 1201. I've been working as a private detective for six years now and I intend on leaving at six, thank you very much and I live on my own any takers?. Although, again, I won't lie to you all and bother telling a pretty anecdote on how I'll be attempting to not be too much of a nuisance. I'm a detective. I perform experiments. I enjoy loud music.

I believe that equals some reason to be occasionally boisterous.

[info]ex_sepulchre370 in [info]bellumletale

[Notes stuck to the door of 802 at odd intervals the day after Bellum Black]

Remembering )

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumletale

locked to P2

[After seeing these.]

Are you okay?