[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

GJ 07 revisited?

It seems that as of this entry, ij is having little or no notifications, the icons are all down, the site is slowly loading up.

Sound familiar?


The difference, IMO, is that Squeaky pays attention to everything that happens and communicates with us.

I had my icons disappear late last night, and the notifications were off a few days ago for a few hours. That's the only issue I've had. But yeah, Squeaky is always on top of it, and that's why I'm here.

Oh, and he doesn't do back-end deals and lie when he gets caught.
But yeah, Squeaky is always on top of it, and that's why I'm here.


This is precisely why I created this journal as a backup...so when LJ has a baaaad ((no pun intended, promise...XD)) day, I can still post to my heart's content.