[info]apotheosis in [info]07refugees

New LJ Profile Page

Whether they want it or not, LJers are now stuck with a new profile layout:


User feedback is one of the most important ones

But apparently, not enough to actually listen when you get a resounding chorus of DO NOT WANT.


Icon love!

And just so I'm on topic, the profile page is UGLY but I like the little arrow things that let's you hide info you don't want to see.

Not that it makes up for the ugly but I thought it was nifty.

Not that it really matters since I abandoned my journal last year. *Adds to the IJ love*
Thanks :) And I love yours too! SW fans unite.

Yea, I don't really care one way or the other.. I've been here over a year now. But LJ can still amaze me at times with their antics.