[info]apotheosis in [info]07refugees

New LJ Profile Page

Whether they want it or not, LJers are now stuck with a new profile layout:


User feedback is one of the most important ones

But apparently, not enough to actually listen when you get a resounding chorus of DO NOT WANT.



I have to say, I do in fact like it. My major problem with the old profile pages was that to see how entrenched the user was, you had to click "more info" at the bottom. Now the comment/post counts are at the top of the page in the default view.

This is actually important to me, and I think it's a change for the better.

None of the changes fit very well with the classic site-scheme, though.

Re: Well

but it should be optional then, because there are people who do not like it and were not expecting it.

Re: Well

I'm still of the opinion that if the majority of users express dissatisfaction with it, they should be listened to rather than blown off.

Plus, this is something that should have an opt-out.