[info]nostariel in [info]07refugees

Comments @ GreatestJounal no longer working?

Every once in a while I like to check up on GJ and make a big "BACK UP YOUR JOURNAL! FLEE NOW, WHILE YOU STILL CAN!" comment to the last ~news post. This morning when I went there I got this when I clicked the "comment" link:

This happening for anyone else?


This happening for anyone

i'm still perpetually logged in so i still get the site and can get to news,. but system is slowly turning off features, last week i could post, this week it's disabled,..not an act of attrition,...someone is working on the site.

Re: This happening for anyone

I can still post using Semagic. It's the replying to comments we can't do at all now.
Greatest Journal is up for me.
The was up for me as well, what I meant was that the ability to comment, or to reply to others comments, has apparently been disabled.
Same result on clicking the comment link on the news post. Also, clicking on "update journal" displays "updating of journals and communities currently disabled".

But editing old posts works, a few days ago it didn't work, producing the database error (I've tried to change some posts to private because I want to get rid of the journal but keep the account just in case).

So, something is going on there...
I suspect he's deliberately disabled commenting and updating, which is just...ugh.
I can understand turning off the ability to post new journal entries, but comments? That, combined with the disappearing link to ~news on the site menus, is petty and cowardly and a bit unethical, IMO.
I have no respect for system/Thor at all.
Yes. I can view current comments up through yesterday, but when I got to try to post a comment, it comes up with that error or a blank screen.
Crap, I was hoping it was just me or something. Because I expected GJ to die relatively quickly, I haven't posted a Backing Up Your Journal guide since Feb. so it's buried on page twelve.

Dammit, if I'd just checked GJ one day earlier I could've answered all the 'HALP!' comments and left the link guide on the last page for all the n00bs to see. *headdesk*
And told the ones asking about IJ to go look at Squeaky's Twitter page.}:)

Ah well.
That too. ;-D

I guess I'll just put all the updates I was going to make into my journal entry and hope people:

1) look through 12 pages of comments for help.

2) notice the tiny "crossposted to IJ" link @ the bottom of my old comments.

Stupid ~system. (>.<)
Maybe they'll be smart and look at the last few pages only?

Or is that hoping for too much?
Hoping for intelligence on the internets is like hoping for a snowstorm in the Sahara.

Maybe they'll remember to Google?
Hoping for intelligence on the internets is like hoping for a snowstorm in the Sahara.

ROTFL, True.
Wow. Just... Why don't they just yank it and get it over with instead of continuing this farce? (I deleted my journal a LONG time ago and evidently, it was a good thing)
Cause then it would be pulling the plug on it without any warning.
Heh. I think the way it's been limping along for months is warning enough. ;-) If people don't expect it by now, then they weren't paying attention anyway. ;-)
Also, what operating system/browser is that? *g*
It's Firefox with the MicroFox theme and the Stylish extension with Firefox Dark Style installed. I've also got a few tab-visibility styles like Unread or Read Tabs Colorful. A similar look can be achieved with the Pitch Dark or In The Dark themes.

And I'm on Win98, believe it or not. :-p
How cool!

Is that stuff Linux compatible? Are you running version 2x of FF or 3?
Most of it should be Linux compatible. I'm running FF 2.x as version 3 doesn't work on Win98.

Love your icon!
I'm going to have to check it out. One thing I"ve noticed is that 3 came bundled with my Linux version and some of the plug ins, etc haven't quite caught up to it yet. :/

Love your icon!

One thing I"ve noticed is that 3 came bundled with my Linux version and some of the plug ins, etc haven't quite caught up to it yet. :/

FF 3 is still technically in the beta testing stage, even though a lot of people are using it. I think many of the addons authors are waiting for the final release version before they update their extensions and/or themes. If you've got the GreaseMonkey addon working, I've adapted some old LJ userscripts for InsaneJournal.
Whenever I click on a "Post Comments" link on most journals, (including ~news) it briefly opens up a "Not Found" page that then redirects to the GJ main page.

They may as well just delete the whole thing...it looks as if there are only about two users still posting to their GJs. I don't know why they even bother to have a site up at all at this point.
They should just sell it to the Russians!
I had to get some from old journals last week, and the same message popped up. There's away around it. It pops up and goes away too.
I can't even make an anon comment in anyone's journal. I keep getting redirected to "not found" and then pushed back to the front page.

The support board is loaded with complaints and questions.

The only girl who came back after I left was "miss_gothe" and "naa" is also there but I rarely see any of her answers.