[info]yourlibrarian in [info]07refugees


Here's something I haven't seen anyone addressing yet on any of the fandom diaspora communities, yet I imagine it will affect quite a few people. I have no desire to give LJ/6A any more of my money. However I know many people have given virtual gifts and I know I have also gifted people with paid time, extra userpics, etc. What would be a good alternative to these sorts of micro thank you/special occasion gifts for people who are only on LiveJournal?


If they have an IJ set up, you could gift them with paid time or a coupon. If not, a small gift card for an online store like Amazon or iTunes would be nice.
Yes, I was thinking of cases where people only had an LJ. Are there other sites that do such small gift amounts like the $2 icon add-ons? Also, for people who live in the UK or Australia I'm not sure U.S. gift cards would be helpful.
I'm not sure if there are other places where you can buy small gifts like LJ has. Something like iTunes might be a problem for international gifts, but I do know that US Amazon users can buy gift cards from Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk.

Virtual gifts on IJ would be fun, though. Maybe that's something Squeaky can add once the initial rush of new members has settled down. I'd like to send different holiday versions of Tweak to people. :)
Yeah, the combo of internationally available and small amounts makes me realize why those LJ gifts were so popular. I've been having a hard time thinking of alternatives. It would be great if they all got IJs!
Psychic or something?

I was just thinking today that it'd be kind of nice if Squeaky had virtual gifts, or a way to buy/gift someone with extra icon space or something like that.
Yeah, and some people I know do have IJs but most don't :(
Ha, I'd love to be able to send flowers for $2-3 a pop! Also not international, I don't think. Though I certainly wouldn't mind getting some :>
May I suggest charities that accept micropayments on their behalf?

For instance, http://www.heifer.org/ lets you buy a share in a trio of rabbits or tree seedlings for $10, a share in a llama or a whole flock of ducks for $20...

Or send a teddy bear to an orphan on their behalf for $15, or buy a girl a pair of school shoes on their behalf for $15.

I know it's not $2-$3, but these do change the world for the better, rather than just putting a digital image on someone's userinfo (which is still a nice thought)...
That's a great idea! I don't know why it didn't occur to me but there are various fandom charity drives that go on as well and those would also be good options. Thanks for the suggestion.