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September 9th, 2012

Filtered to friends

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Separate filter to just Katniss/Prim/Peeta )

(OOC: Basically the main filter includes: Peeta/Prim/Katniss/Elena/Jeremy/Elphaba. If I am forgetting anybody pleeeeeeeeeeease let me know because my memory is terrible. >.>)

September 8th, 2012

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I hate it here! Everyone leaves me He promised he would try t

September 2nd, 2012

filtered against evil

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Can someone please tell my sister that I do not have to stay on the couch all day because of a sprained ankle? Medical people, please, there is no reason I can't at least limp to the fridge by myself, right?

August 29th, 2012

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[Text to Connor]
» Things okay over there?

[Text to Lois]
» Hey
» Can you do me a favor and pick up a few things from my place when you get a chance?

[Text to Allana]
» You okay? How's prison-er, school going?

[Fitered to Kal]
We should
I can't
Not yet

[Filtered to Prim]
I'm sorry if I was mean to you.

August 25th, 2012

Filtered to Prim, Chloe, and Mia

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It's getting late and I don't know if you've already eaten; I know Prim hasn't (I hope you haven't been snacking when I haven't been paying attention, anyway; you'll need your appetite)...but I'm making this, if you two want to come over and join us? Oh, and Mia, I made a loaf of cheese bread; half of it has your name on it as promised.

Either way, at least come by and have some cake; Prim and I can't eat it all ourselves. I made too much. It wasn't entirely an accid

Filtered to: Oliver, Natasha, Clint, Chloe, Dr. Moore--And anyone else involved yesterday

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I'm so sorry to have worried everyone yesterday. And thank you all for being so helpful to Peeta.

I promise that I'm not going to do anything like that again.


I'm sorry about everything that happened with my new friend. You're not mad at me are you?

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Are you still at the Fortress? How are you feeling? He left, he said. I know that you're probably upset with me by now for being friendly, but that doesn't mean I'm any less on your side. You shouldn't have to share a building with your killer. No one should.

Did you find a place to stay? I saw that you were going by this name now. I'm sorry about the way everything happened for you last night. It's not always like that here...please know that some of us are willing to give you a clean slate provided you don't make us regret it.

Are you okay?

August 24th, 2012

Filtered against evil and Kon

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Pluto’s less cold than I thought it was.

So someone finally explained why everyone flipped out about me and, because I’m not beyond reason, I can understand the issues. I don’t like the way it was handled, I don’t think I sounded beyond reason on my post last night so I don’t see why someone couldn’t have just explained what was going on and avoided all this crap. Bottom line: If someone had, I’d have been completely willing to vacate because like I said many times last night, I’m not here to cause trouble. Damage done, but maybe if there's a next time for someone else this mess can be avoided.

One other thing: I understand some people have a problem with me calling myself Clark. I can go by Kal if that would be easier. I will not go by Prime, and I will not sit back and let people call me that. Here’s why: Prime was the name of my universe. The one I failed to save. The dead one. So I am not okay with people calling me something that blatantly throws that in my face. I don’t care if that’s viewed as unfair, it’s just as unfair to expect me to just deal with being called that and having that thrown in my face anytime someone needs to talk to me. I’m hoping that, whatever side of the argument you’re on, you can understand why I’m not okay with that. If we can’t work out a compromise, then either don’t talk to me at all or just call me “hey you,” or something, because calling me Prime is not something I will ever accept and it will cause problems.

I don’t plan on causing trouble for anyone. I’m more than happy to avoid anyone that's uncomfortable around me. I don’t want to throw anything in anyone else's face any more than I want anything thrown in mine, so whatever steps I need to take to avoid that, I’ll take.

Does this sound workable for everyone?

If that offer still stands, I’d like to take it.

Looks like we both pulled a disappearing act today. You okay?

Filtered Against Evil, Kon, Connor, Katniss, Peeta, Super Boy Prime

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I have a question about places that people can live other than the main complex.

Is there anyone that can help with that? Are there any of those?

[Super-Boy Prime/Clark]

I'm really sorry about everything. The reactions and taking you to the complex and everything.

I'm looking at other options for where you can stay until you can find a way back where you came from, though. I feel responsible. Until I figure out the other option you can stay at the complex, though, if you're not scared away from it. My friend, Peeta, said you could stay with him or you could grab your own place for a short time?

Will you please keep me updated on what you want to do, though? At least until you find a way home or settle in here, whatever ends up happening?

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and SuperNOTBoy Cause WTF

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Okay. You guys know I'm usually all for giving people second chances and all. Some of the people we depend on quite a bit here aren't known for their exactly savoury pasts. And there's the issue of different timelines to deal with which is just all kinds of screwed up at the end of the day. You want to blame them for being ridiculous...but they haven't done it yet. And it does suck having people use your fictional life against you just because you can read about them.

All that being said, this? Is your new Super arrival. This bastard killed my best friend. Not too fond of I'm not saying don't talk to him. Hell, maybe someone can talk some sense into him before he becomes all of that, and that's cool. But I am saying use caution and hold conversations at your own discretion. And for god's sake, keep him away from the Complex. Kon will have a fucking fit

August 23rd, 2012

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How do I get out of here? This Earth is so much like my Ea

August 22nd, 2012

Filtered against evil and that Katherine vamp

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superman sings disney songs

can he be any cooler?

August 21st, 2012

filtered against evil and katherine

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I'm such an id
Zatanna, the fact that I am not murdering you over this means we're even for that spell you did for me

Well, that was an interesting weekend. That kind of thing doesn't happen often around here, right?

Please tell me you found us a hunt. The sooner and the further from here the better.

How's school going? You have everything you need for your classes?

Sorry for
Thanks for not

August 12th, 2012

Filtered against Evil and Dark

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I need something to do. I'm going crazy here. I think this is the longest I've stayed in one place since we And all my research is just going in circles now.

I was thinking I'd try looking for work or something... but I don't have any identification here. Is there a way I can get some?

My name is Edward Elric. I was told you might be able to answer some questions I had? About the Seal and this thing where people are fictional? Because I don't think I am, but everyone else I've talked to is. Does that mean something?

[Victor and Maria]
Either of you up for another sparring match?

Filtered Against All the Evil

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I was watching the television earlier and the news person talked about how the 16th is when school starts back up.

Am I going to go to school here?

Katniss, do we need to worry about school? And Peeta?

I wonder if Buttercup would be all right home alone....

And I didn't say anything on the posts, but congratulations to the new parents. I don't really know you, but babies are wonderful. I saw your posts in passing.


Who is starting school the 16th? I don't really know very many people yet, it'd be nice to see the other people that are starting too.

July 20th, 2012

Filtered Against All the Evil

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I gave Buttercup a bath today. I don't think he liked it very much at all, but he's much cleaner. I put a ribbon on him too, he looks very pretty handsome now. I'm really glad that the Seal brought him to me.

I'm excited for tomorrow!


How are you doing after what happened with the bomb?


I'm going to babysit Darcy's twin boys tomorrow! So, you don't have to worry about me during that, maybe you could go spend time with Peeta or one of your other friends? Do you think Buttercup will be all right left alone?

July 15th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Emma, and Gaia

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...whoa...I...wow. I wonder if Jimmy really looks like th NO. No.

July 13th, 2012

Filtered against evil bastards

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Someone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on? Where the fuck am I and how the fuck did I get here?

July 11th, 2012

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Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Love is blindness

July 10th, 2012

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People who came to help Katniss last night (I believe Cindy, Tom, Oliver, and Peeta?)
Thank you. I don't think I ever said.
[[ooc: yeah last night as soon as they had the bomb off her she yelled at Peeta a little for coming, or tried to, but mostly just ended up sort of trying to shout at him and hitting him in the chest a couple times and then just hugging him and tuning everything else out. So this is your belated rescue thank you because, as Effie would say, MANNERS]]

I'm sorry
Are you okay

Are you running out of movies yet?
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