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October 9th, 2011

No Evil Please and Thanks

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"Me? I'm scared of everything! I'm scared of what I saw, of what I did, of who I am. But most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life...the way I feel when I'm with you."

I'd forgotten how satisfying sitting and watching Dirty Dancing can be.

October 6th, 2011

Reluctant anti-evil filter added, hmph.

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I know it's sort of stating the obvious and all, but I'm really not a fan of Satan. Especially after the whole... whatever the hell was going on last week, and the Doctor almost dying, and the fact that we're in Kansas. If I ever planned on going Satanist, this vacation? Totally spoils any chance.

I mean, what exactly is the point of this? If he's so powerful and scary, why doesn't he just smite us all, break the world, and, I dunno, throw big hell-parties all over the place or whatever he does? Why keep us here?

Is it just to play with us? Is that what's going on here? Because I don't like being played with!

[ooc: if evil wants to poke around in here just assume it happened pre-filter, I am cool with such handwaving! :D]

October 3rd, 2011

Filtered to friends

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So...I've been checking my progress with this one website (and always looking a week ahead because I'm all about spoilers) and next week it says I should have my hospital bag packed already. That's...a little disconcerting, um, but it makes me think maybe I should get my contact list together? Like Jo did, you know? Is there anyone who isn't already meant to be coming with me that wants to know when "it's time"...?

[ooc: chances are, if your character has talked to Darcy at all, like ever, and they get along well, they can probably see this post]

Uh...I really wanted to stay by myself so I wasn't a burden a bother a pain in the ass infringing on your personal time and space, but...I've been getting dizzy and so tired and would you hate me if I asked if I could stay with you again? Just until these new symptoms blow over? I haven't eaten in I've been feeling too nauseous to Maybe I'd be more likely to eat if If not, it's okay, I'll just see if Martha can do house calls.

Filtered Against Evil

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Do you know what would make me feel immensely, immeasurably better?


I don't really care what form. Bananas Foster, banana nut bread, banana muffins, banana pancakes, banana cream pie, banana ice cream, banana milk shakes, banana daiquiris, raw bananas, frozen bananas, banana oatmeal, chocolate-dipped bananas, banana yogurt, banana pudding, banana tempura, banana cheesecake, banana jelly ... Is there such a thing as banana jelly? If there isn't, there ought to be.

I'm not asking for much. Just bananas. Can I please have some bananas if you're going to keep me in bed?!

[Private to Romana]

You were right. I was an idiot. You were so very, very right. All I had to do was ask. Rose still, and we, and oh, Romana, it's brilliant, and I should have listened to you. You always were so much more clever than me.

October 2nd, 2011

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So, for those of you that don't know, I'm Felicia and I like to make everyone friends.

So in that interest I do this.

Give your name, some hobbies you have, the fondest memory you have and one interesting fact about you. Then discuss, and maybe you'll learn something new about some of the others trapped here. Also. This is a happy thing. Because right now we need a happy thing. So only happy here. By the order of me.

Or say shut up Felicia you're being a moron, go steal something pretty.

filtered against baddies

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Guys, I have a new kitten! I named him Captain and he can talk!

September 30th, 2011

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Although. I'm not dead. That's good.


[ooc: No filter! He's too tired to bother.]

Filtered Against Evil

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That wasn't the worst two weeks of my life, but I've had better and it's probably in the top 10. It took me the whole of three days to figure out what the hell had happened. And that's pretty sad for someone experienced in dimension travel. I mean, honestly, Seal? Honestly?

I have to say, the other me's probably not going to be too pleased with me. Pink isn't my colour anymore. Her bridesmaids dresses are now blue. A very distinctive blue. As are all of her decorations. Oops?

So, anyone else? What did I miss?

September 25th, 2011

Filtered against the bad peeple

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hay jo my new frend jojo wants to no if sins u no superman do u no wonder woman to?


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Spiraling twisting stretching shrinking cracking. Lights in the light, darkness suffocating twist and pull and spin and drown and strangle and blood covered skies, raining tears and wrong and missed opportunities. Pull pull push push run away can't run breathe no breath time moving and stopping and spinning and falling and flying. Passcode no secrets not allowed. Spoilers. Not real very real bubbles encasing mirrors and shrinking and fixing. Changed, timelines rewritten. Cracks. Larger blinding. Silence. Listen to the beep. Red means go. Run demons run. Angels they fell first but I'm still here. Tiny blue boxes speak. Lie. Lies lies lies buried alive. Blood splinter fracture break. Don't rewrite. Won't work. Stopped it, no power sorry mirror thief had to couldn't let you. My history your history all history. Shred shards glass stone. No power. Falling falling falling. Exploding. Expansion. Remember remember never forget. Gods fall and die and no one remembers power lost. Speak my name and I will live. Time stops. Rocks fall everyone dies. No. Rocks fly up. Spiral burn combust showers of light and fire. Take me away. Far away. Fly with me. Where you are needed is different than what you want. Hello. Never goodbye. Spinning spinning gone.

September 17th, 2011

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I can fix this. Whatever it is that's going on, I can help. I can take care of Lucifer and the Seal and Hell and everything else, all of those people hurt and killed and drawn into deals with the devil. Just give me a little time. I can make this universe better. I can send all of you home, if that's what you want, or if you've made a life here that you want to keep, I can make that happen.

Just trust me. That's all I ask.

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Lawrence, Kansas was definitely not where I was trying to go, but considering time seems to be very...different around here, perhaps it's good that I ended up here. Perhaps there is something I can do to help?

And I can sense other Time Lords here. This place must be more interesting than I first thought if there are several of us here.

September 16th, 2011

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Here's the deal. You guys swear your lifelong loyalty to me through the process of selling your souls down the drain -- in my name, of course -- and I won't brutally maim and murder you and your loved ones. Well, probably not.
I'll think about it.

Except for you, Dean. I'm just gonna kill you. ;)

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Mickey, if you and your mates got together and decided this would be a good joke? I'm really not amused. Where the hell are you?

I have too much to do for this. There's a team meeting this morning and there's wedding planning to do and Mum'll kill me if I miss the appointment with the florist and no, seriously, where are you because I think I've managed to find a caterer.

Can anyone else read this? Want to help a girl out? Because I'm ninety-nine percent sure this isn't my flat.

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Back to Earth again, is it? And Kansas this time. How quaint. Americans with guns and corn and did you really think this was going to be enough to get rid of me? Hmm? I made you and I can unmake you with a flick of my fingers. Gallifrey exists because of me. Newsflash. Exile didn't stop me before, and it won't stop me now.

I don't want to remove you. I don't. I don't want to have to change you at all. This is your warning. Give up. Accept that this universe is a better universe. Here, you can have family, friends. Here, you have a future. Isn't that better than what the universe used to be? You don't remember the war. I do. Trust me. You don't want me to let it happen again.

I'll give you a day to think it over. One full Earth day. After that, no more deals. No more negotiation. You know what happens to things I don't like.

[ooc: What's a despot without rebels? A small faction of Time Lords in the Skasis!AU Doctor's reality believes the timelines should be restored so the Time War still happens.]

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[Filtered to both Doctors, Martha, Rose, Donna, Amy, & Romana]

Is it normal for humans to suddenly start acting so strange?

September 11th, 2011

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Rose was right about chips. They're amazing. Fried pickles in ketchup are too, and so is pizza and cheeseburgers and eggs and sausage.

....But not all at once.

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Right, so I was teleporting but I'm pretty sure Lawrence Kansas wasn't where I was trying to get to. I suppose experimental Sontaran tech'll do that

I'm fairly sure I'm not supposed to be where I am, which it has to be said isn't unusual in my line of work, but there's no one at any of the bases that recognizes my ID and the usual person who'd come get me in this situation isn't picking up his very fancy 'Call me anywhere in the universe and I'll answer' phone. If its cause he's gotten distracted by a rock formation or a particularly fancy banana again I'll yell.

Or chips. D'ya know. I bet he's out for chips and left the phone on the side of the...

Never mind.

Dr Martha Jones of UNIT. Really sort of needing a way home right now.

September 10th, 2011

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When I asked about my shuttle, this old woman rolled her eyes and sent me to this place where I was told to use this primitive box-thing and go to this site for help.

I'm not so sure this is where I was going, but now that I'm here...

Where is here, exactly?
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