War Is Coming Communications.

September 17th, 2013

September 17th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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This is going to be
Gods I need
Seal if you can hear me then bring him

Is there something I can do to help? Research we need done, something? Because I'm no fighter, never have been. But I want to do something

Filtered from Evil

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When the attack comes, and it will. I need to know what we have to work with. Numbers, abilities, weapons. I want no secrets, and believe me trying to keep those from me is essentially pointless.

Because I refuse to sit and wait for meetings or decisions about who should lead the fight. Unless you can think of someone more qualified. I'm being tactical. Because we'll all die unless someone is.

Magic Users/Witch filter

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With everyone starting to organize where their strengths are, we should as well.

First off, who is still here? Secondly, where do our strengths lie so that we can get a better picture for who goes where?

For those who are new, I'm Morgana. My strengths are elemental magic and spells. I have also been known to have sporadic visions.

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[Filtered to friends/family]

Everyone's okay, right?

[Filtered to Derek Hale]

So, looks like you arrived just in time for the epic to start. You handling this alright?

no evil

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Jacen ain't the only option around here for leadership. I've lead armies before. I for one ain't that confident in him to give a damn if one of us dies, I want to see everyone come out of this with at least their lives. Sue me I got a little used to most of your faces around here. I ain't all speechy like somebody over there but there you go. We get a choice in the matter.

We can break off into squads.

Filtered to all non-super powered people; No Evil/Death/Lucifer

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Anyone else wondering exactly what we're supposed to do during all this apocalypse stuff? I wish Elena was still

[ETA filter to Caroline]

Tossing around some ideas with people. How do you think you'd do helping organize a blood drive?

Adam & Mercy

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So, given everything going on... what's the plan?

no evil

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so, on a scale of one to holy fuckin shit how screwed are we if we aint got powers and just got here like..yesterday?

Klaus and Kol

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Jacen is leading the big fight.

Which means you’ll need to follow orders.

Okay? OKAY.

Kol? Do you have anything to add? Seriously, I am not above getting your siblings to help convince you this is a good idea, Klaus!

Because if you don't follow orders then I probably can't fight and that is not the answer.

Zee's House of Fairytales

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What's our plan?

Dealing with Regina is one thing, but this is even more dire.

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[Filtered to Henry]

Kid, can we talk?

[Filtered to Regina]

I don't give second chances. Not where my kid is concerned.

But your magic may be useful in this fight. If you're planning on participating.

Just something to keep in mind, I guess.

[ETA: Filtered to Close Friends and Family]

So...this should probably be noted at some point. And a few people already know but I'm making sure everyone does now.

I discovered from watching the show that I have the ability to use magic. I didn't want to say anything until I had a better grasp on it and knew I could control it better than she and knew what I was doing. And then I wanted to make sure Henry knew, because I know how he feels about it.

But I can't wait any longer. There's a battle to be fought now. And if what little I do know can help, I have to try.

So...now you all know, we can move on with our lives, right? Right.
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