War Is Coming Communications.

October 8th, 2012

October 8th, 2012

Filtered against Baddies & Jerry

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Today was the best day ever. I really want to make some popcorn and watch a movie right now, but I have no popcorn. So I think I might need to make a store run.

Rose, I have something for you.

Filtered against evil/Katherine/Jerry

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I have heard that second chances are offered here, but with the things I've read lately, it does not give me much hope. I have enough doubts of my own worthiness of such a thing, and the reactions I have seen...they are not entirely comforting. I do not know what Katherine has done, aside from what little I have pieced together, but out of specific context, it does not sound so entirely different from my own wrong-doings. It does not set well with me to think I would be offered a second chance, only to have people speak of me the way people speak of her.

Filtered to Epiphany

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I believe you promised me booze today?

text to Rose

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>>Have any plans tonight?

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Since a lot of us are new here to the great and wonderful state that is Kansas, I thought I would take it upon myself to share some of their more delightful laws with you. You know, so you crazy kids don't get into any trouble with those pesky lawmen and all.

(1) If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.

(2) No one may sing the alphabet on the streets at night.

(3) It is illegal to hunt whales.

(4) It is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pie.

(5) It is illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits.

Annnnd a few laws specific to Lawrence are:

(1) No one may wear a bee in their hat. (There goes my wardrobe idea for tomorrow.)

(2) All cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival. (It's the polite thing to do, you see.)

Filtered Against Evil. And Katherine. And Regina. And Gold. Ugh.

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According to my tracker, my baby is now about the size of a hot dog. I don't know about you, but I'm certainly hungry now.

After I brought in the third bail skipper of the day, I got sent home for being too aggressive "particularly for a woman in my condition" so I'm going down to the range to take out some aggression to get a few practice rounds in. I have my phone on me but obviously it'll be a little loud so don't panic if you don't hear from me right away.


So I know I can't do the whole go out and get smashed thing but if you're free sometime this week, I could stand to spend time with a friend who isn't way too close to home. Literally. I don't know how it happened but this place went from empty to I can't go to the damn bathroom without someone being right there.

Help? Pleeeease?


You've been quiet. Too quiet. It's creepy. I'd be more likely to defend you if
You would have let him die. I'm not going to forget that.

no evils

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No Dean. I'm not actually going to arrest you for breaking the pie law. Nice try dear.

Filtered Against Evil--All of you! <3

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It's October!

There's a picture here. Totes not for the faint of heart! <3 )

Loki's amused by it. He was smiling and everything!

Filtered against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, and Regina

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Well, this is different.

ANDREW. Do not freak out.

filtered to Connor Temple

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my grandma wants to meet you.

is that okay?

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When I was stupid and emotional on the really strong pain medicine, you said that saving me was one of the best things you ever did. Why? Why was it so good?


Thank you. For just... thank you.


So yeah, it's been two weeks but... about what I said.... can we not talk about it? Ever? Because it's still true but no one seems to


Yes I'm in the same house but stairs still aren't my friend. You're being quiet. What did Uncle John say when he was here?

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[ooc: Because she's being adorable, thus making Loki all happy at her, Darcy gets flowers!

Lots of flowers.

Those, like... all over their apartment, basically.

Carry on.]

text to Peter V.

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>> hey, how are things in Lawrence?

Filtered Against Evil

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Whatever tiny Russian #1 might say. My elbow slipped during that second game and that is how the pieces landed on the floor.

For the record I was two moves away from winning

Good effort though tiny Russian.

Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry

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This is fucking hilarious Anyone up for a drinks tonight?
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