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Sep. 10th, 2009


WHO Desmond and Angela
WHAT Sorting out their relationship
WHEN August 31st, mid afternoon
WHERE Anglea's Place
She wanted to see if the attraction she'd felt had been the moonlight or if perhaps a bit more than that. )

To be continued

Sep. 9th, 2009


WHO: Staffan and Lisa
WHAT: Nerf war
WHERE: Just outside the apartment
WHEN: 8/31 - 2pm

Staffan was bored. He didn't know what else to do. It was too early to go out anywhere, but he still wanted something to do other than sit in his apartment all day. He had no idea where his teammates were, or frankly, where anybody was for that matter. But it's not like he had bothered looking, either. He had decided to put that new nerf gun to use, finally.

And so he stood, just outside the apartments of his and other active rangers. He would wait until a victim showed themselves either by passing by or coming out of the complex. He didn't make a note of hiding himself, either. Blaster in hand, the foam darts were all ready to be shot at some unlucky person that caught the blonde man's attention.

A voice. Smirking, Staffan turned toward it, crouching and sneaking his way over. He aimed the toy guy, biting on his lip as he struggled to keep from laughing. They didn't have a clue, that was the best part. He just hoped they wouldn't want to kill him, some people have a tendency to be a bit uptight around here. Shaking the thought from his mind, Staffan grinned and open fired when his target was in range.

Sep. 7th, 2009


WHO: Clarke, Penny, and Others/Open
WHAT: Drinking/Potential Bar Fight
WHERE: Get Some Bar and Grille
WHEN: 10 pm, August 31st
The rattling of the thunder outside was barely noticeable to the patrons inside the bar as the normal level of murmur that hovered above a dull roar took place. For the most part it was the sound of conversation, laughter, and glass on glass as bottles were handed out, mugs filled, and the occasional blender action as Milkshakes were made. It was the dimmer of one of the corners that found one of the professors of the PPRA huddled with a pint glass in front of him, filled t the brim with the amber ambrosia of the gods he so enjoyed. It came complete with a foamy top, and as he took a hold of it, and lifted it to his mouth to take a sip, he found only joy on the other end.
Clarke disliked Mondays more than anything else, mostly because it meant that weekends were so far away, but he found that at the very least, any night was an excuse to drink. Alcoholic he was not, for in truth he was a connoisseur of the fine liquid. He had the best that Germany had to offer in Oktober Fest, and seen what the British could while on assignment there. He’d been around to Belgium, and the Netherlands, and he’d even been down under to that crazy land Evelyn was from, and had some of their best brews too. At the end of a hard day, this was all he cared for to help him relax. Maybe Hank would show and they could have a nice game of darts. Yes relaxing is what he had planned on, however….like very rarely followed design.


WHO: Ionia & LA's Ranger Team
WHAT: Attacking the city
WHERE: Somewhere in LA
WHEN: 8/31, 6:00 PM
RATING: Probably PG-13 for violence and language

Ionia had a plan. )

{Christen said that LA's team can cover this attack. Lucky LA! Posting order - Quinn, Nic, Ethan, Hank, Lindsey with Ionia jumping in as villainy is needed. Feel free to move the dog monster around, keeping in mind it knows to react/dodge/par somewhat to various karate moves. Feel free to branch off as needed for various parts of the attack if wanted.}


WHO: Quinn and Evita
WHAT: Getting Lunch
WHEN: 8/31, 11: 30 am
WHERE: Get Some Bar and Grille

After having settled back in at his apartment, talking to Neil on the phone and deciding to reread A Wrinkle in Time in case Abbie did call, Quinn decided that he wanted an uncomplicated lunch. This meant of course, no cooking. Having decided that a burger with fries and a milkshake sounded good he found himself at the Get Some Bar and Grille.

The place was reasonably not busy and he was seated near the bar since he was by himself. After ordering he opened his book, intent on enjoying a story he’d always loved, but hadn’t read in awhile.

Sep. 6th, 2009


WHO: Tristan and Penny
WHAT: Tristan wants to hang out with Penny
WHEN: 8/31, 11:10 am
WHERE: Penny's place

Tristan glanced in the mirror, frowning at his image. Even with a long sleeved shirt on to cover the bruises on his arms, make-up on his face to disguise the marks on his face, and an eyepatch to hide his black eye, he still looked a bit of a mess. His cheek was swollen, his skin was scratched in a few places, and the make-up wasn't exactly put on perfectly. He'd picked it up that morning from a store in town. He'd gotten a few raised eyebrows over that, but he didn't care. Anything was better then looking like he just got a serious beating- which he had. Plus the eyepatch was just a little suspicious.

Ah well. He'd tell everyone he was starting a new fashion trend or something. They might even believe him. And with that he left his apartment and headed over to Penny's place. He hadn't hung out with her in a while, and hopefully Penny could cheer him up. He still felt horrid over the whole thing with Evie, but he knew it was better to let her cool off then try to apologize right now.

In no time at all he was in front of Penny's door and knocking on it. 'Bang bang-bang bang bang, BANG BANG.' "Penny! You in there?" he shouted through the door. Maybe he should have called to check that she was in. Not that it mattered, he was here now he supposed.


Who:  Will and Open
What:  Rejoining the World/Visiting Hours
Where:  Med Bay
When:  1 pm, August 31st

The chart read as following:  Internal Bleeding, mended.  Three Broken Ribs, set.  Dislocated Shoulder, reset.  To Will though, he was yet to be aware that there was even a chart.  The room was quiet, for he was not in critical condition, and had stabilized the day before, but he had still been out of it.  It was a combination of the injuries, and the medicine that had kept his mind under throughout the last two days.  He had not awaken, but those who had stayed by his side swore at least at several points he did manage one word.  It was a name, Sarah, and nothing else.  He lay still on the bed, as it was propped up slightly so he could sleep comfortably.  His chest was bandaged up, and lay bare, while red pajama bottoms adorned his lower half, which was submerged beneath the blankets.  His breathing was steady by the rise and fall of his chest.

His eyes were the first to open, and immediately he sucked a good deal of oxygen into his lungs, making a very audible sound as he did.  His senses still didn’t’ kick as he stared straight ahead, just taking in what was in front of them for a second, but suddenly the lights kicked back on, and he turned his head from one side to the other, still not aware of any pain or his condition.  He tried to remember what had happened, though everything was a rush of flashes.  There was the ship, that had been cloaked and there for some unknown reason.  Then the rush of action as the defense turrets kicked on.  He remembered the way they had forced him back, and finally they had stopped.  The owner came out, and his powers were astonishing.  He remembered morphing, and then……

Sep. 3rd, 2009


WHO: Nic and Quinn
WHAT: Settling down for the night
WHEN: August 30th, 12 am ish
WHERE: The camp site!

Not quite settling in for the night: )


WHO: Matt Clarke and Open
WHAT: Out for a Walk with the Dog
WHEN: 10 am, August 30th

Clarke looked down at Duke who upon feeling his master's gaze upon him also return the look. Shaking his head, Clarke took a swift sip from te bottle of beer he held in his hand. The dog had frustrated him to no end, but inthe end he had given in and allowed the dog his freedom from the confines of the house. It was quiet this morning but no doubt this was due in part to the battle the day before, and everyone sill held their breath over the condition of the Red Ranger from Phoenix.

Matt tried not to tink about it though. Billy was a good kid, he'd make it through. Instead he focused on Duke who had strayed off and was now sniffig at a fallen branch that te grounds crew had yet to collect. The dog loved fetch, and it's fascination with the fallen piece of wood was an indicator to his master that he would settle for nothing less than a round. Not even bothering to put up an arguement, Clarke leaned down and picked up the branch. The older dog instantly becam young as he put all his weight on his back haunches, his tail flailing in the breeze. With a flick of his wrist Matt cased the branch away and like a rocket Duke zipped off after it, a small trail of drool starting go slide away from it's mouth.

Sep. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Erin and OPEN
WHAT: Enjoying the time off
WHERE: Forests south of Angel Grove, campsite
WHEN: Aug 30th, 10am

"Jesus." Erin rolled his eyes as his communicator went silent, looking around the campsite. They'd been gone a day and there had been chaos back home already. "Figures there'd be some epic battle and we'd all miss it, huh?" He smirked and settled on a large rock near the fire pit, legs spread wide as he leaned his elbows on his thighs. It'd rained earlier and the ground was still a little moist; their fire had absolutely died, if it hadn't gone out at some point during the night on it's own. He started picking at his teeth for lack of anything better to do and considered the options for the day. They could go swimming, hiking... umm... and that was the extent of his creativity for the moment.

"So who's making us breakfast?" he prompted, an eyebrow arched at the rest of the people (who had woken up) wandering around nearby.


WHO: Will and Open
WHAT: Aftermath of Battle
WHERE: Outside of Ranger Apartments
WHEN: August 29th, 4 pm

The only thing steady as Will pulled up was the idle of the motorcyle. God only knows how the severe and battered Ranger managed to safely steer the bike all the way back to campus, but somehow he had. Getting off the bike was the next big challenge he faced as he slowly slid off of it, but anyone looking on could tell there was something wrong. He managed to get the bike on the stand, but never shut the engine off. He pulled his helmet off but did so with great difficulty, pain clearly represented in his right shoulder as he pushed upwards. As his helmet came off, the blood that had erupted from his ears during the fight had left dried trails all the way down his neck. As he brought the helmet down he let it go and it tumbled away from him rolling off into the grass. He started forward, but stumbled, catching himself briefly before continuing on.

Sep. 1st, 2009


WHO: David and Aiden
WHAT: Getting a call from the adoption agency
WHERE: The apartments on Academy grounds
WHEN: August 29th, 7:30pm
Note: As always, italics mean they're speaking German to each other.

They have a couple who liked our profile and would like to meet us. )


WHO: Lindsey and Jake
WHAT: The first date is always the most awkward
WHERE: Asoka Japanese Restaurant
WHEN: August 29th, 7pm-9pmish

Would you like to go to Asoka with me? )


WHO: Ana and Kasumi
WHAT: Ana to the rescue!
WHEN: 8/29, 6:30pm
WHERE: Downtown Angel Grove

Leave me alone! I'm not a Ranger! )

Aug. 31st, 2009


WHO: Charlie and Lindsey
WHAT: Charlie is apologizing to Lindsey. Again.
WHEN: 8/29 around 5 pm
WHERE: Lindsey's apartment

Charlie stood in front of Lindsey's door, just staring at the wood. How many times had she done this now? Too many to count, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, if her temper had anything to do with it. She shifted the large basket on her arm so the handle wasn't digging into her skin so painfully. It was laden down with her usual peace offering- several home made burgers and a large box of fries drowning in her homemade cheese sauce. She'd also brought a bucket of ice cream she'd picked up from the store, just in case. Mixing it up never hurt, after all.

She really couldn't delay any longer- she'd been been standing here for a good five minutes. God, she hated doing this. She didn't even get to hope that he wasn't home- his trail ended here. Unless of course he had jumped out the window... She shook her head at her own silliness. Taking a deep breath, Charlie reached forward and knocked on the door. "Here we go again."

Sep. 1st, 2009


WHO: Staffan and Abbie
WHAT: Meeting.
WHERE: The Mall.
WHEN 8/29, 1pm

Hell yes. Okay, so it was kind of childish. Maybe. Just a little.

You keep telling yourself that. Whatever.

Staffan carried a bag at his side, and in the bag was a box. Inside the box? A brand spanking new, just stocked, top of the line nerf gun. He had plans drawn out to attack Kamal with it when everybody got back from camping. Maybe he'd get Erin and Evie with it, too. Regardless, it was going to be hella fun. The thought alone nearly made him burst out laughing in the middle of the mall.

But his stomach was growling, begging him to put food in it, and he was absolutely down for that. The problem is is that the food court was full of choices, and he couldn't decide between Chinese, fast food, or any of the other options they had. He stopped and looking around, a small pout forming on his lips. Mmm, pizza would be so good right about now. No, he had to keep in shape, and greasy, cheesy, gooey and oh so delicious.. To hell with it, he was getting pizza, dammit!

Aug. 31st, 2009


WHO: Will and Ariston

WHAT: Close Encounter

WHERE: Outskirts of Hasper City

WHEN: August 29th, 11 am


The slow and steadied hum of a motorcycle engine filled the air around the road. Will had been out for a wonderful morning ride, after he had finally been able to get the engine of his bike running right for the first time in the last few months. The bike was still short of the upper echelons of its performance, but it was fast enough for Will, and he was happy with that for the moment. His hands were clenched around the bike handles, and his body was locked to the seat, and the stands that his feet rested on. He was clad in a black riding jack, with two dual red stripes that it sported over each of the bicep that it covered. His helmet, as well as the plastics on the bike were colored red both to accent the other and complete the color pattern.


He had enjoyed his ride, right up until the point where his communicator had gone off, and he had been vectored towards Hasper City to investigate a strange reading coming just beyond the cities edge. The sun was still bright, and the heat of the day came off the road in those wavy lines that sometimes created mirages in the distance. Will figured it would be safer to pull over for a few minutes anyway, and take a moment to catch his breath. In the distance he could see the skyline of Hasper, but he knew it wasn’t his destination. He knew he was getting closer, as the little nav screen below his tachometer reported that his destination was only seconds away.


Finally reaching the point that the map said too, Will pulled the bike over to the side of the road, and shut off the engine. Putting the bike down on its kickstand, he pulled off his helmet revealing his dark hair covered in sweat. Setting the helmet down on the bike, he unzipped his riding jacket to let the hot air out, revealing a white t-shirt underneath. He was not able to make anything out, but that didn’t mean that nothing was there. He waited to call anything in, until he had something to report.


WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Camping trip - getting firewood
WHERE: Forests south of Angel Grove
WHEN: 8/29 - 12pm

Erin had decided that - before anyone else could tell him to do it - he would be helpful and go out in an effort to find firewood. They would probably need it for s'mores later on, and since nobody else had taken initiative, it seemed like the right thing to do. He wasn't exactly great at picking this stuff out, but he would do his best. He and his sister had been on camping trips in the past, and neither of them were hardcore city kids. He had his head held high as he struck out into the forest, grinning, enjoying the fresh air.

So interested in what he'd set out to do, Erin walked right into Ethan, who had - up until now - slipped under his radar.

Aug. 28th, 2009


WHO: Erin and Siobhan and open if ya like.
WHAT: Hormone Spike difficulties
WHERE: Youth Center Gym & Juice Bar
WHEN: Aug 28th, 5pm

Looking stressed out was something that came entirely too natural for Erin, an anxious look that went through his entire body and was painted clearly in his eyes. He appeared strung out and exhausted, his gait slower than normal, his brow raised. He wanted to chill out, to relax, to unwind, but... He'd been hit hard and hadn't been able to shake it. A brief battle that morning during patrol, a simple run-in with muggers and his hormone surges were completely out of control. He was frustrated, flustered, not able to think straight. The Juice Bar seemed like the place to be though, busy and active. It was colorful and loud and there were tons of other stressed out people all around him, working off their energy on the machines or on the mats. Erin had chosen a shake and taken it with him to the small arcade area, his drink set down as he chose a pinball machine.

He hated feeling like this; more than anything else. Almost more than the guilt that woke him up in the middle of the night sometimes, that wrenching, soul-tearing remembrance of the lives that had been extinguished in his company. Being unable to control the way he felt, though, the way his body responded to stimuli -- it was almost worse somehow. At least when he felt that familiar guilt, he could drown it in hours of sleep or booze or Zord-work. Right now though, he was stuck with the change in steadiness, his urge to fight, to fuck, to scream. He didn't handle his hormone spikes as well as some of the other Rangers, and hated the toll it seemed to take on his body. It wasn't fair.

More than anything right now, Erin very desperately wanted a girlfriend. He hadn't been involved with anyone in ages, and getting it off in the shower wasn't cutting it anymore. There were so many cute girls all around him, and he never seemed to have the right words for them. Lisa was sex on legs, and god she was endlessly adorable... Charlie, Katherine, Siobhan (mmm, that red hair)... fuck, why did they all have to be so sexy all the time? Angela crossed his mind from time to time as well, but she overwhelmed him a little. He wasn't that good at keeping up with women more masculine than he was, and she was definitely cut out for her role. Penny was too much, too. Cute as hell, but... And then there were the students, but they were like... jail-bait in a way.

"Damn it," Erin told the pinball machine. He hadn't been paying attention. His muscles tensed and he fed it more quarters.

Aug. 27th, 2009


WHO: Charlie, Will and OPEN
WHAT: Being bored outside
WHEN: August 27, around 10 in the morning
WHERE: Under a tree outside

Charlie was bored.

She had come outside that morning with the full intent of reading a book in the shade of her favorite tree, but she quickly grew impatient with her book and ended up tossing it away. 'Hamlet' was a stupid play anyways- all Hamlet ever did was whine. Now of course, Charlie had nothing to do, and she didn't particularly feel like getting up to do something else, which left her in the unfortunate situation she was now in. She tried to come up with things to do, but found she didn't really feel like doing them.

Getting up was a good idea, but she would have nothing to do. She didn't like sparring alone so that was out. She could finally apologize to Lindsey, but Charlie was worried he might still be mad at her and she didn't have any food for a peace offering. She had just been in town, and clearly reading another book was out of the running. She really just couldn't think of anything else to do, which left her sitting there being utterly and completely bored.

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