April 2011




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Week 21: Friday

Characters: Bridget and Searle
Location: The farmhouse
Summary: Searle gives Bridget a Christmas present she’ll never forget.
Rating: G

The idea of how much effort it had taken to build the furniture and keep it a secret just floored her. )


Week 21: Tuesday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Tom Galloway
Location: Tom’s Room / The Farmhouse
Summary: After her return from chasing down Leo, Alice and Tom have a sit-down and work out some of their concerns and official duties.
Rating: PG-13 for some profanity.

“Look, I know this has been a crappy day for you so I’ll try to keep this short.” )


Week 21: Christmas

Characters: Abigail and Louisa May
Location: Farmhouse living room
Summery: The two women find something in common.

I only have to worry about my patients trying to bite every now and then -- I’d imagine it’s much more of a hazard with you. )


Week 21 - Thursday

Characters: Derek Miller and Louisa May Smith
Loacation: The doctor's house, Medford
Summary: Derek and Louisa have a more serious discussion about Leo
Rating: PG

I gotta tell you, though, you being there, well, it’d make me feel a lot better about having him around. )



Characters: Louisa May and Derek
Location: Louisa May's house in Medford
Summary: Louisa May and Derek have a rather pleasant after-dinner talk.
Rating: PG-13 for swears

No offense, Derek, but you are definitely not my type. )


Week 21: Wednesday

DREW: This is GP. What's up, Doc? )



Characters: Mike and Meg
Location: The house
Summary: Mike finds out that Quinn has left the farm, and tells Meg.
Rating: PG-13 for swears

...whaddya mean, he left? )


Week 21: Friday

Characters: Abby and Greg
Location: The barn at the farmstead
Summary: Abby notices Greg slip out for some space and joins him. They exchange Christmas gifts and a little more.
Rating: PG

You’ll forgive me of course if I didn’t go through the effort of gift wrapping. )


Week 21 - Wednesday

Characters: Bridget and Jed
Location: The kitchen
Summary: After finding Jack cutting her hair, Bridget gives Jed a serious talking to.
Rating: PG

“That made her feel horrible, and then right after that Tom laid down the boom about the religious wackos up north and next thing you know I find her hacking her hair off in the bathroom!” )


Week 21: Wednesday

Characters: Tom and Louisa May
Location: Louisa May’s house.
Summary: Tom goes to patch things up between the farm group and Louisa May
Rating: PG

I hear where you’re coming from )


Week 21 - very early Wednesday morning

Characters: Derek Miller and Tom Galloway
Location: Farm house
Summary: Tom gets up early to find out what Derek has against the Sevens
Rating: Strong PG-13 for language

It sounded like you have some history with them and I’d like to know what it is. )


Week 21: Wednesday

Characters: Abigail, Mike, and Jed
Location: Just outside the Farm perimeter, next to Greg, Abby, and Nate's camp.
Summery: Abby's letting the horses graze, and unexpectedly makes some new acquaintances.

No wonder Greg had been nervous. )


Week 21: Tuesday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Jed Bailey
Location: The highways of Southern Oregon - aprox. 8 miles away from the Farmstead.
Summary: After their encounter with Leo, Jed has a few concerns about their relationship. Alice doesn't respond very well.
Rating: R for some generous swearing.

“Are you breaking up with me?” )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters: Ana Gordan, Molly Williams and Holly Sharpe
Location: Medford Mall
Summary: Hair supplies and a special request from Meg inspire a trip to the mall
Rating: G

So, if you could give one person at the farm a makeover, who would it be and why? )


Week 21: Tuesday

Characters: Abby and Nate
Location: Their camp, just outside the Farm
Summery: After Greg's encounter with Jed and Tom, the siblings discuss their apprehension about meeting the new group

'Not going to let anything happen again, you know.' )

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