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Posts Tagged: 'suzanna+moon+%7C+v'

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Sep. 4th, 2012


one [ forgive us for what we have done, 'cause we're young ]

When; Backdated to 2nd Sept
Rating; PG for now? Will be updated if necessary.
Characters; Suzanna Moon [ [info]pinpoints ] and anyone who wants to come along
Summary; Moving in day! Prose and action welcome. :3
Log; I don't mean to frighten you off - it's just fun, it's just fun. )