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Posts Tagged: 'nikola+tesla+%7C+staff'

Oct. 11th, 2012


One → Allison Cameron [+ open]

When; Day 26.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Allison Cameron + open!
Summary; Allison arrives at the school and starts setting up her office.
'All change is bad? It's not true, you know.' )

Sep. 2nd, 2012


21st day start

We've made it through three weeks, isn't that exciting?

Now, on your first day off since the Oni attacks, we've got a special treat! Later tonight, after sundown, you can venture out into the gardens where you'll find we've set up a little walk-in movie of our very own.

But for now, enjoy the free time; venture out into the city, maybe bring your humble headmaster back some trinkets? I enjoy things that jingle, but not jangle. Or tea. You can never go wrong with trying a new kind of tea...

Ah, one final announcement -- we have a new student joining us today! Everyone, please help us make Suzanna Moon feel welcome on campus. Daenerys Targaryen, you'll have a new roommate upon her arrival.

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle in the dorms/on campus, at meal times, playing outside, etc. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the offices of any of the NPCs. We'll be putting up a log for the movies separately. ]