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Sep. 6th, 2012


dinner time announcement (day 21)

Hello, students, this is your Headmaster speaking. Now that you're all settling down for supper, I have a three important announcements to make.

First, I've arranged for a pest control unit to do a sweep of the dormitories tomorrow. Please be aware that you will not be permitted to enter from the hours of 10am to 2pm. Make sure you take with you whatever materials you will need for those times.

Second, I've been informed that we've been remiss in conducting ourselves in the best interest of a particular student. I would like to personally apologize for this oversight, and inform you that I have immediately taken care of the situation.

Effective tonight, you will no longer be seeing Ms. Ara Van or Mr. Rex Nisemant in the hallways. Their positions will be temporarily filled by Ms. Lea Polus and Mr. Ben W. Pausin, respectively, until I can find suitable replacements who will not fail their duties and can act in the professional capacity we require from our staff.

In addition, Ms. Lea Polus will be filling in for the Abilities Lessons, and we may begin monitoring your other classes as well, to ensure that our staff is filling the required curricula.

You should be aware that you can always approach any staff member with requests for further lessons or other help when it comes to your school work, abilities, and personal problems. Our doors are always open to you!

Third, I'm afraid the administrative staff and I have to attend to an urgent matter off campus, and we will be leaving tonight. I leave the responsibility of campus and student care to the rest of the staff members left behind. Ms. Penelope Hinx will return prior to the rest of us in a few days and at that time will resume responsibility of the school

Any questions you may have should be directed to our lovely librarian, Ms Penelope Hinx -- she has left her contact information with the staff in preparation for any issues you may have.

Thank you, and enjoy playing, little mice, while this cool cool cat is away.

[ this post marks the official firing of ara van and rex nisemant, and the departure of the entire NPC staff from the campus for a few days. the pest control is a clue for the upcoming mod surprise. staff players, feel free to handwave being able to send ms. hinx any messages you'd need to -- there'll be a thread here that you can tag them into if you'd like. ]