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Posts Tagged: '%21day+post'

Oct. 14th, 2012


27th day start

Good morning, everyone -- day 2 of the Clubs and Organizations Fair will be in the auditorium again.

It seems there was quite a bit more debris than we'd originally thought -- clean up is still going on, and the rebuilding of the dormitories may be delayed a few days.

Oct. 7th, 2012


26th day start

Good morning, everyone. Clean up on the dorms is still progressing, though it's rather slow. The more of you that help, the sooner you'll all be able to move back in, remember. At this rate, it looks like it'll be another two weeks before we can safely put you all back in.

If you're looking for something a little more fun, head on over to the auditorium at lunch time for the Clubs and Organizations Fair. You can pad your grade school resume while also finding things to take up your time which don't include vandalizing school property or escaping off to the city to misbehave.

I hope you all have a pleasant day otherwise.

Sep. 30th, 2012


25th day start

[ ms. hinx is still running the announcements, folks. enjoy... ]

Clean up on the dormitory building continues this morning; those of you interested in lending a hand should report between classes and during your down time. The area has been fenced off for your safety. When you arrive to assist in clean up, meet a staff member at the fence opening and they will provide safety equipment and assign you to a task.

Please enjoy your classes for the day.

[ additional repair information (+schedule) can be found over HERE ]

Sep. 23rd, 2012


24th day start

[ the morning announcement pipes through the cafeteria's speakers, but given by ms. hinx yet again. ]

Good morning, students.

If you would like to get back to living in your dorms more quickly, we will need your help to rebuild. We have the know-how, and we can instruct you in the various tasks needed to return the dormitory back to functioning, but in order to do so more quickly, we need more hands.

Ms. Polus, Mr. Pausin and I will be overseeing and rebuilding as we can. So, if you either know how or would like to learn how to hammer a nail, replace electric wiring and plumbing, paint, set roofing, etc, we won't be turning you away. Anyone with powers that will help them lift heavy items, move dangerous debris out of the way and help stabilize the working environment while we repair will be helpful. If you're not sure whether we can use you, please ask a staff member. We'll be beginning clean up through the day today.

[ ooc information can be found over HERE. ]

Sep. 16th, 2012


23rd day start

[ today, ms. hinx speaks directly to the students, gathered in the mess hall for breakfast: ]

Good morning, students. Mr Reginhard will be indisposed for another few days, as he searches for staff to fill the two newly opened positions, but if you have any questions or need help from the staff, you may ask myself, Ms. Polus or Mr. Pausin.

For now, we have arranged for you to reside within the school building, in a fallout shelter on Basement Level 1. There are cots, plenty of blankets and pillows; partitions to provide you some privacy; and you're welcome to use the various lockers in the gymnasium to store what belongings we have safely salvaged from the dorm building.

Sep. 9th, 2012


22nd day start

[ there aren't any morning announcements; the students are mostly rounded up inside the school building while the remaining staff and more responsible kids deal with the aftermath of the attack the previous night.

a help message had been sent out to the administration staff as the dragon had started to rip into the building, but the only response that came was from ms. hinx, urging that they were on their way back immediately, but with no estimated time of arrival or any further questions or advice. the students are still on their own for day 22.

thanks to gossip and information spreading across teenagers like wildfire, the consensus is now that the dragon was chasing prey that came out of the forested area, past the sports fields and into the dorms, where the dragon proceeded to destroy the southmost wing up along the face to the northern wing. why the prey had entered the dorm was still a mystery; and one that would probably be worth it to solve. because it is very odd that a fairy would venture that far out of the forests and risk its life just to get to the dorms, when there were a lot of other places to hide on the way there.

{ ooc: please continue tagging on the dragon post as long as you all would like! this week might be good for aftermath-type things; make sure if you haven't figured out an ending to a thread, that you either work something out oocly so that you can keep playing or refrain from making any concrete statements otherwise.

this is where it'll be beneficial to focus on characters talking about the previous night to figure out what happened; if you saw the fairy and the dragon, you can talk about those; if your character was wounded, you can look for someone to help them; if your character would take charge of the situation, they can try to start organizing people (where is everyone going to sleep? can they retrieve their belongings?).

the mod surprise is still yet to be uncovered, but you may handwave students having heard/seen the oni in general.

Sep. 2nd, 2012


21st day start

We've made it through three weeks, isn't that exciting?

Now, on your first day off since the Oni attacks, we've got a special treat! Later tonight, after sundown, you can venture out into the gardens where you'll find we've set up a little walk-in movie of our very own.

But for now, enjoy the free time; venture out into the city, maybe bring your humble headmaster back some trinkets? I enjoy things that jingle, but not jangle. Or tea. You can never go wrong with trying a new kind of tea...

Ah, one final announcement -- we have a new student joining us today! Everyone, please help us make Suzanna Moon feel welcome on campus. Daenerys Targaryen, you'll have a new roommate upon her arrival.

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle in the dorms/on campus, at meal times, playing outside, etc. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the offices of any of the NPCs. We'll be putting up a log for the movies separately. ]

Aug. 26th, 2012


20th day start

Wakey, wakey; eggs and bakey!

Today is the 20th day of the semester, and you get to continue exercising! The elevators are still down, so if you need assistance in either direction, I'd suggest asking your pendant.

Just remember: you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the offices of any of the NPCs. ]

Aug. 19th, 2012


19th day start

[ the headmaster is humming a chorus to himself, before he "realizes" he's got the PA system live. ]


Well, I'm certain if you weren't awake before, I've succeeded in rousing you all now. Morning comes once again, students and staff! Just a few notes today, before you all eagerly scurry off to classes with the pretense of indifference.

Firstly, Miss Ara Van will be off the grounds for today and possibly tomorrow; anything you need from her in the mean time can be directed to Ms. Polus.

B: I highly recommend the cherry struesel. It is exquisite! [ this is the sound of lips smacking right here. ]

And number three. Please note that the elevators will be down today for maintenance. The stairs are your best friend, and if you need assistance in getting to another floor, any faculty member will be happy to help. Mr. Nisemant doesn't bite, as much as he'd like us all to think he does.

Have a splendid day, and let's keep the fires to a minimum, hey?

Aug. 13th, 2012


18th day start

Good late morning, students! I hope your breakfasts were as delightful as mine; so good, that I forgot to make the morning announcements!

What a boring morning. I have no detentions to announce, no destroyed property and no monster sightings to report. Everything is calm, serene and-- [ snoring. your headmaster is snoring. ]

Are we still tired from all the excitement a few days ago? All right, I'll give in. Have your restful days! I'll have to go be a party animal by myself. I think I'll be a giraffe this time. They know how to have a good time.

[ we're still chilling! nothing big happening, but if you haven't done it, why not head over to the backstory meme and help some needy folks out? ]

Aug. 5th, 2012


17th day start | back to normal

Good morning, everyone! Today is the 17th day of the semester and I have wonderful news. You all performed admirably over the past few days, and under such pressure. No, you won't be receiving yet another day off, but there will be catered pizza and snacks for lunch today. Don't worry, for our gentle vegetarians, there will be meatless selections available as well. I'm told the tofu wraps are delightful.

There was something else I was supposed to mention...oh I'm sure I'll remember it when it's necessary. For now, enjoy the return to your routine, and accept the school's immense gratitude for your services!

[ the speakers click out, and then a few minutes later click back on. ]

Oh, that's right. The barrier has been fully restored! I think that's earned me an extra piece of cake at dinner tonight. Did I mention we'll be having that catered as well?

[ it's that time of year where everyone's going to be getting back into the swing of things, and combined with the oni plotting coming to an end we're going to ease up on plots and let things get back to a daily routine! this means time for dances, parties, glee, cheerleading, sports; any of the smaller stuff that you guys want to run. we're working on things behind the scenes, so don't be shy about jumping in and doing some worldbuilding, too! ]

Jul. 29th, 2012


16th day start | oni mini event extension

[ day sixteen breaks with no announcements because, well, very few students have been left on campus -- and none are attempting to get to their classes.

you may be with a group out in new york; the streets, or in the subway system -- or right out in the middle of central park or times square. you might be defending innocent citizens from an aggressive oni. you might be running from one to try to lead it back to the campus, only to end up destroying that little diner with those yummy sliders your roommate loves so much.

fortunately at least, the barrier has been fixed. though that does mean you might have to find a way to get an enormous (maybe unconscious?) oni through the doors of the old hotel and back into where they belong.

all in all, this is your show -- you might have been impatient enough to go out without a staff member chaperone, so. everyone's just hoping you come back in one piece.

( ooc | we decided to give you another ic day to play with the oni out in NYC, since it seemed like last week's post got clogged up with lots of preparation logs. to streamline getting things started, we'll run this based on the last digit of your user #'s (can be found on your profile to the right of your username). odds together, and evens together. first person to comment to the requisite thread starter gets to set the stage beyond what we've set up for you, everyone else jump in and see what you can add. we advise tagging when you can instead of waiting on a tag order, to keep things moving and practicing your improvisational skills, too.

however, remember that you can also make a post if neither of these scenes appeals to you!

Jul. 22nd, 2012


15th day start | oni mini-event!

Good morning, students. In place of the Headmaster who is currently indisposed, I will be delivering your morning announcements today, the 15th day of the semester. It seems that our new residents have not decided to return to the woods as we'd hoped.

The barrier has now come fully down, and they have taken advantage of its absence to explore the city beyond. There are 5 that we know of who have escaped, and we're beginning to put teams together to go out after them.

Anyone willing to join a team, please congregate in the mess hall -- there are stations set up with staff acting as team leaders for you to sign up with in order to organize the retrieval and safe return of the oni to the campus.

Needless to say, classes for today have been suspended.

[ you may use this post to mingle in and start putting together groups, if you like. (if you'd like to post, that's totally cool too -- we just figure it might be easier to organize here.) we're going to leave it mostly up to you guys to find a group and go out and explore the city, with extra encouragement for our staff characters to take the reigns and help students get together. but, if a bunch of students head out on their own, they can escape having a chaperon if they would! it might help to remind us of your characters power in the subject so we can put effective teams together, but it's not required.

any questions, feel free to holler!

Jul. 15th, 2012


14th day start | oni mini-event!

Today is the 14th day of the semester. Normally I would regale you with some rousing comments, but I have important announcements to get to.

There have been a few incidents out in the woods and here on campus. There is no reason to panic, so long as you follow my instructions and keep your heads about you.

Shop class will be put on hiatus for a few days as Mr. Winchester recovers from some serious injuries he incurred while exploring the range of the Oni in the woods. His condition looks promising. Unfortunately, the last few irritations upon the Oni have resulted in...well, I've been told they're venturing closer to the school grounds. If you see one, take care to remove yourself from its vicinity slowly and proceed to any staff member with the Oni's location.

And a side note, again, nothing to worry over; the barrier is experiencing some malfunctioning. If you would so kindly keep an eye on your fellow students and staff, and report any undue missing persons to the security office, we can assure everyone is safe and sound. Teachers, any absences in classes should be reported immediately to security.

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. This marks the start of a Day 14 event and any questions can be submitted at that thread. ]

Jul. 1st, 2012


12th day start | NEWBIE DAY

Up and at 'em, students! This is your Headmaster, and amateur emcee with the morning announcements!

Today is the 12th day of the semester, and while there are no classes, I'm sure there are plenty of activities to keep you all busy today.

And now a few announcements before I get to enjoying my favorite breakfast! Let's all welcome two of our newest students, Katherine Beckett and Haruka Tenoh! In addition, the position for defense teacher has been filled by a newcomer. Welcome your new teacher, Miss Romanoff. I'm sure you'll all make me proud in making her feel at home, here.

I would also like to remind the student body that anyone in need of a little spending money is free apply for any of the various work study jobs we offer here at the school. Inquire to any of the staff members as to how to go about landing such a prestigious occupation.

And lastly. Unfortunately I must stress this point more urgently than I had yesterday: please do not go off the forest paths. The Oni do not like feeling trespassed upon and we've already had an incident of students entering where they should not. From now on, any students caught out in the forests will be banned from the hiking trails for a full week. You wouldn't want me prodding about your dorm room, would you? Let's respect the forest spirits' space, ladies, gentleman, and those of us who adhere to neither category.

Enjoy your days, and this delectable french toast!
[ after the announcements, three students are delivered small slips of paper. lucky student number one, lucky student number two, lucky student number three, will have to take an hour out of their precious day off to sit in the null facility with rex. there will be a thread below if any of you would like to play it out. otherwise, simply referencing the punishment is fine! and because one of your illustrious mods rushed through this, the detention will be held at 9am, right after breakfast. ]
[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. Any new students may post here if they'd like to get their feet wet before starting to make posts of their own; use this space to seek out room mates and ask any questions or play out anything you'd like to get settled before diving into the game at large. ]

Jun. 25th, 2012


11th day start | announcements + mingle

Rise and shine, students! This is your Headmaster, and resident cookie-connoisseur. I recommend the chocolate chip, today.

Today is the 11th day of the semester, and what a lovely day it is!

We would like to remind all students that the labyrinth is not your personal smoking lounge. Smoking on campus is discouraged, but if you must pollute our air as you pollute your lungs, there are designated areas out of the way of high traffic.

I've heard rumors of a cheerleading squad and a glee club starting up! Please submit your request forms to the main office, so that we may assign you teacher-sponsors to help you put your clubs together.

As you make your ways to your first classes, take a moment to remember why you're here. And that today is pizza-wheels day! They are my very favorite.

Ah, as a last note, please take care when using the hiking trails today. There seems to be a slight haunting of Oni. They're usually harmless, so long as they are not provoked. If you see any on campus, please report it to any staff, and they will give the information to Miss Drummond or Mr. Winchester. Thank you, and have an inspiring day!

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. ]