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Sep. 23rd, 2012


24th day start

[ the morning announcement pipes through the cafeteria's speakers, but given by ms. hinx yet again. ]

Good morning, students.

If you would like to get back to living in your dorms more quickly, we will need your help to rebuild. We have the know-how, and we can instruct you in the various tasks needed to return the dormitory back to functioning, but in order to do so more quickly, we need more hands.

Ms. Polus, Mr. Pausin and I will be overseeing and rebuilding as we can. So, if you either know how or would like to learn how to hammer a nail, replace electric wiring and plumbing, paint, set roofing, etc, we won't be turning you away. Anyone with powers that will help them lift heavy items, move dangerous debris out of the way and help stabilize the working environment while we repair will be helpful. If you're not sure whether we can use you, please ask a staff member. We'll be beginning clean up through the day today.

[ ooc information can be found over HERE. ]

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Jul. 10th, 2012


open } this expletive is bananas

When; Day 12, evening
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Joanna Beth and someone else.
Summary; Jo is totally not out of bounds, shush.


Knives are a perfectly acceptable collectible object. )



open } putting in time for the family business

When; Day 12, evening
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Deano Winchestero & peoples
Summary; Dean is hunting things. Probably not saving people.


When it explodes it's like SHLABLAM )

Jul. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

When Day 12, late afternoon.
Rating G.
Characters Alec, anyone else who wants to bug him.
summary Fishing!

Alec is sitting by the moat in a law chair. He's got a fedora covering his face and he appears to be sleeping. A fishing pole is propped up next to him, one hand holding it lightly.


He's fishing in the moat.

Doesn't appear to have caught anything yet.