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Posts Tagged: 'jericho+z.+barrons+%7C+s'

Oct. 31st, 2012


3 ♠ open log

When; Day 27 | During/After Dinner
Rating; PG
Characters; Jericho Z. Barrons and anyone else.
Summary; Jericho, who has been laying low, makes an appearance in public… kind of.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time )

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Sep. 6th, 2012



I never meant... [Open]

When; Day 21: After the dinner time announcements
Rating; PG?
Characters; Lana Lang ([info]nofairyprincess) and anyone who'd like to come see what's going on.
Summary; Lana reacts to the headmaster's announcements
Log; What just happened? )

Aug. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO; Natasha Romanoff + Students (And everyone else)
WHEN; Self-defence class time + various (for office hours, tutorials)
WHERE; Self-defence classroom + Natasha's office
SUMMARY; Self-defence class, also Natasha's office hours (and one-on-one language tutoring if you're interested in threading it). Different threads for the different parts of the class.

pretend this cut is in latin! )

Jul. 29th, 2012


16th day start | oni mini event extension

[ day sixteen breaks with no announcements because, well, very few students have been left on campus -- and none are attempting to get to their classes.

you may be with a group out in new york; the streets, or in the subway system -- or right out in the middle of central park or times square. you might be defending innocent citizens from an aggressive oni. you might be running from one to try to lead it back to the campus, only to end up destroying that little diner with those yummy sliders your roommate loves so much.

fortunately at least, the barrier has been fixed. though that does mean you might have to find a way to get an enormous (maybe unconscious?) oni through the doors of the old hotel and back into where they belong.

all in all, this is your show -- you might have been impatient enough to go out without a staff member chaperone, so. everyone's just hoping you come back in one piece.

( ooc | we decided to give you another ic day to play with the oni out in NYC, since it seemed like last week's post got clogged up with lots of preparation logs. to streamline getting things started, we'll run this based on the last digit of your user #'s (can be found on your profile to the right of your username). odds together, and evens together. first person to comment to the requisite thread starter gets to set the stage beyond what we've set up for you, everyone else jump in and see what you can add. we advise tagging when you can instead of waiting on a tag order, to keep things moving and practicing your improvisational skills, too.

however, remember that you can also make a post if neither of these scenes appeals to you!

Jun. 5th, 2012


Open Mingle

When; A day off: Noonish-when ever
Rating; PG for now
Characters; Everyone who's anyone
Summary; Students have a day off. The school has decided to host an informal sort of picnic/day out
Other Notes: No real plan to this. Enjoy the grounds, start threads, mingle. I'll put some activity threads down there but feel free to add your own. Action brackets or prose. Have fun.
Log; Come on in, the water's fine )

Jun. 3rd, 2012



1 ► open

When; Weekend, late afternoon/early evening
Rating; PG
Characters; River Tam and YOU
Summary; Trying to write a letter in the 1st floor common room? Destined to be interrupted.

be ready to, ready to get confused )

May. 22nd, 2012


[No Subject]

When; Off Day Afternoon
Rating; PG
Characters; Mac + You
Summary; She's just arrived, gotten settled and is checking the place out.

Mac has stowed her pink luggage in her room. She hasn't unpacked because her curiosity is killing her. She wants to see everything. She's never been away to a school like this and it's only made more intriguing to her because it's a school for kids with powers. Before Alina died and she started researching, Mac never considered that such things were real. She didn't read books about things like that and she didn't care for movies unless they dealt with something 'real'. Now that her eyes are open, she wants to explore it all. She can be found poking around in the common room, wandering through halls, peeking into empty classrooms and walking around the school grounds. The best place to catch her though, the one that will stop her in her tracks and absorb her time for hours to come, is the library. She's never seen so many books in her entire life. Mac wasn't sure that there had been that many books written before she stepped foot inside.

May. 18th, 2012


open } ability defense & self defense class

When; During Ability & Self Defense Class - Fifth Day
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Ruby + everyone ever
Summary; There is class. It's classy.

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. )

May. 5th, 2012


1 ♠ open log

When; Saturday, Noon-ish
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; It's lunch time. Jericho is practicing voyeurism.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )