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Posts Tagged: 'effie+trinket+%7C+u'

Oct. 1st, 2012


day 25 | open

When; Day 25, after lunch
Rating; PG
Characters; Effie + OPEN
Summary; Effie puts Student Council pieces together
Log; Anyone entering room 204 will find that Effie has already begun writing on the white board... )

Sep. 30th, 2012


25th day start

[ ms. hinx is still running the announcements, folks. enjoy... ]

Clean up on the dormitory building continues this morning; those of you interested in lending a hand should report between classes and during your down time. The area has been fenced off for your safety. When you arrive to assist in clean up, meet a staff member at the fence opening and they will provide safety equipment and assign you to a task.

Please enjoy your classes for the day.

[ additional repair information (+schedule) can be found over HERE ]

Sep. 4th, 2012


one [ forgive us for what we have done, 'cause we're young ]

When; Backdated to 2nd Sept
Rating; PG for now? Will be updated if necessary.
Characters; Suzanna Moon [ [info]pinpoints ] and anyone who wants to come along
Summary; Moving in day! Prose and action welcome. :3
Log; I don't mean to frighten you off - it's just fun, it's just fun. )

Aug. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO; Natasha Romanoff + Students (And everyone else)
WHEN; Self-defence class time + various (for office hours, tutorials)
WHERE; Self-defence classroom + Natasha's office
SUMMARY; Self-defence class, also Natasha's office hours (and one-on-one language tutoring if you're interested in threading it). Different threads for the different parts of the class.

pretend this cut is in latin! )

Aug. 21st, 2012



i control the vertical...

When; Day 19, Technology Class
Rating; PG?
Characters; Hardison + students (and teachers, if anyone wants to visit!)
Summary; A run-through of a class with Hardison-- he prefers you leave off the "mister" crap. Threads for different parts of class; feel free to improvise within them!
Log; The classroom is a nerd-core dreamland. )

Aug. 6th, 2012



2 ♦ open log

When; Monday? Mid-afternoon.
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Eliot and YOU!!
Summary; It’s PE time!!
Log; I like that boom boom pow~ )

ooc: Obvious PE class is obvious. Post anywhere and everywhere. Talk to your classmates. Interact with your classmates. Cheer them on. Laugh at them. Bond with them over the pain. Have fun!

Jul. 19th, 2012


very slip of the tounge brings closer, hidden hands from the dark

When; Day 14
Rating; PG13 for violence?
Characters; Effie Trinket, open
Summary; effie meets her first oni, the result is not very good! as a note: i'd love to try to keep this to one thread, so if you'd like to tag in and there's a thread in progress, or someone has just started, please continue that thread and then track the post! maybe we'll see how it goes? for now, we'll just use a speed tagging order -- if you have the chance and time to tag, go for it? and feel free to IM/PM/plurk me if you're not sure what i mean!
Log; Effie Trinket can usually talk her way out of a paper bag. )

Jul. 1st, 2012


12th day start | NEWBIE DAY

Up and at 'em, students! This is your Headmaster, and amateur emcee with the morning announcements!

Today is the 12th day of the semester, and while there are no classes, I'm sure there are plenty of activities to keep you all busy today.

And now a few announcements before I get to enjoying my favorite breakfast! Let's all welcome two of our newest students, Katherine Beckett and Haruka Tenoh! In addition, the position for defense teacher has been filled by a newcomer. Welcome your new teacher, Miss Romanoff. I'm sure you'll all make me proud in making her feel at home, here.

I would also like to remind the student body that anyone in need of a little spending money is free apply for any of the various work study jobs we offer here at the school. Inquire to any of the staff members as to how to go about landing such a prestigious occupation.

And lastly. Unfortunately I must stress this point more urgently than I had yesterday: please do not go off the forest paths. The Oni do not like feeling trespassed upon and we've already had an incident of students entering where they should not. From now on, any students caught out in the forests will be banned from the hiking trails for a full week. You wouldn't want me prodding about your dorm room, would you? Let's respect the forest spirits' space, ladies, gentleman, and those of us who adhere to neither category.

Enjoy your days, and this delectable french toast!
[ after the announcements, three students are delivered small slips of paper. lucky student number one, lucky student number two, lucky student number three, will have to take an hour out of their precious day off to sit in the null facility with rex. there will be a thread below if any of you would like to play it out. otherwise, simply referencing the punishment is fine! and because one of your illustrious mods rushed through this, the detention will be held at 9am, right after breakfast. ]
[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. Any new students may post here if they'd like to get their feet wet before starting to make posts of their own; use this space to seek out room mates and ask any questions or play out anything you'd like to get settled before diving into the game at large. ]

Jun. 5th, 2012


Open Mingle

When; A day off: Noonish-when ever
Rating; PG for now
Characters; Everyone who's anyone
Summary; Students have a day off. The school has decided to host an informal sort of picnic/day out
Other Notes: No real plan to this. Enjoy the grounds, start threads, mingle. I'll put some activity threads down there but feel free to add your own. Action brackets or prose. Have fun.
Log; Come on in, the water's fine )

Apr. 24th, 2012



open >> You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness

When; Afternoon on the grounds
Rating; R, he's a dick.
Characters; Haymitch "Drunk-is-my-Middle-Name" Abernathy + some poor unsuspecting soul
Summary; Haymitch is not drunk, and "chilling".
Notes; Prose or actionspam, I care not.

I don't want to live that way, reading into every word you say. )

Apr. 17th, 2012


1 ☆ OPEN log

When; Tuesday evening
Rating; G
Characters; OPEN
Summary; Rachel is out hanging about. Feel free to bump into her since she's singing rather loudly.
Log; Confessions of a drama queen )

Apr. 15th, 2012


Student Arrival 01 ][ Day 01

He who knows no hardships will know no hardihood. He who faces no calamity will need no courage. Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in a soil with a strong mixture of troubles.
Harry Emerson Fosdick

Students who have braved the abandoned warehouse and received their pendants from a silent, bald, blue man (was he...?) find themselves in a possibly underwhelming landscape of a typical boarding school campus; green sports fields, low brown stables and what seemed to be a giant bath bubble emerging from the ground.

Ah, so! Not so underwhelming.

Approaching the bubble, perhaps new students will pass each other; they're all, of course, free to roam and explore at will. When they are drawn to the bubble in the ground (which by now you may have inferred is not truly a bubble, though smaller ones in bath tubs are likely to be found within their designated bathing areas), they will discover that there are partitions in the surface; windows. This is their new school. Not a stuffy old stone building, but a spiral filled with rooms on the way up and open space through the center. The building doesn't hum, it crackles with anticipation.

You might have met your dormmate briefly as you approached, or the boy down the hall. Maybe you arrived with people from your hometown going through the same thing, and now you're surrounded by people just like you. As nerve-wracking as the situation may be, you might find that it's the most relaxing, too.

The acceptance letter detailed that students should pick up dormmate assignments and class schedules upon arrival -- the more normal-looking building closest to the school building. On each of the two desks at the ends of two beds in each dorm room is a welcome package; a list of rules, a student handbook that explains everything you'd need to know to function at Talanton, a few maps (of the surrounding area, of the campus, of the class sections within the school) and encouragement to customize your side of the dorm room as you see fit. There is also a letter from the headmaster:
Hello, New Arrival!

Welcome to Talanton Academy. We're excited to have you all here. Hopefully you've found your room mate and your dorm room without any trouble. Remember, you may have a mini 'fridge', microwave and coffee maker in your room, but no 'hot plates'. Take care with any open flames such as candles. (We would very much prefer not to have the dorms burn down, especially smelling of brussels sprouts and sausage soup, even though it is my personal favorite!) Here are a few other rules that you need to remember:
  • During classes we expect you to be in class. If you do find yourself sick, make a visit to the medical office. The nurse will be able to excuse you from classes.
  • Curfew is 10:00 PM on weekdays. On off nights, curfew is midnight. You may speak to the headmaster if you've a special circumstance and need a pass for a particular event. Otherwise, you are to be in your room, lights off.
  • Pendants must be worn at all times, even when not on school grounds. They will allow you to return to Talanton grounds. If you've ever any problem returning to school grounds, there is a phone located in the street front building you may use to request someone to retrieve you.
  • We do not allow alcohol or drugs on school grounds. If caught with them you will be faced with consequences.
  • Boys and girls are not allowed in each others rooms after curfew. There are public areas that you may congregate like the library and common rooms.
  • Please pick up after yourself. If this is a problem, you may be required to assist the janitors until it's been determined you understand this rule.
  • Please take care when using your powers so that you do not harm others. Many of you have come here to learn control and we understand that in order to do that, you must use your powers. If it is found out you are abusing your powers, they will be removed for a period of time to be decided by the Headmaster.
  • Have respect for your fellow students, your room mates, team mates and your teachers.
  • Enjoy yourselves, take advantage of all the opportunities afforded you and learn something.

A mandatory welcoming ceremony dinner will be held at 18:00 in the dining hall of this, the dormitory building tonight. Class will begin the day after tomorrow, on Monday. If you have any questions, you should flag down a member of staff to assist you. And if you happen to notice a bonfire out by the lake after supper, bring along some marshmallows. I do enjoy a good s'more.
Headmaster Reginhard

[ ooc: this is the opening game post! this is it! any questions, check out this post -- otherwise, have at it! If you haven't seen it yet, room mate roster is here ]

Mar. 29th, 2012


Dorm Boards

Each dorm room has a white board in it for you to leave personal messages for people who are not room mate (aka other students). These messages are public knowledge as the dorm boards are OUTSIDE the rooms by the doors.

Please make a thread for your character and put their name in the subject. See all the examples below.